Adolescent Depression
In 1905, Freud described the process of detachment from the authority of parents as the most significant-and most painful, "the psychic achievement of adolescence. This release involves a very complex struggle.
The depressed teenager constantly complains of a sense of confused identity, looks very apathetic at times, hyperactive in others, but at all times to be feared above all criticism. Fear a further loss in its already diminished self-esteem, and is convinced that it is not wanted, and moreover, that it is 'un-likable', a nobody. The sense of isolation produced by these feelings becomes increasingly turbulent, the adolescent can not give up the relationship of dependency with their parents are unable to abandon the past and go forward into the future.
not able to form new relationships. The many difficulties in their identity centered interfere with the progress of ego development to maturity.
This conflicted I try to control and to channel their conflicts in a more mature, but fails, his inability to function in this way is a means of maintaining ties to his family.
need to satisfy the demands of family, their environment and reality, on the one hand, and rebellion against the self and pressures demands, on the other hand, produces a constant conflict with feelings of guilt which maintains depression.
The painful adolescent mental achievement, "the release of parental authority," is so painful because it is experienced by way of a release, but as an abandonment of beings that we depend upon for guidance and emotional support. Hence, the reluctance is installed, accompanied by feelings of loneliness, emptiness and helplessness, and filled with resentment at the idea of \u200b\u200babandoning the past.
psychodynamic theory of depression described above, derived from clinical experience. The theory about depression in adulthood coincides with the adolescent because the reactions are identical. However, from a therapeutic standpoint, there are some differences. In the case of adolescent depression is defined as "a complete or partial collapse of the self-esteem in which he feels unable to live and achieve their own aspirations."
When the lies are necessary? When the person does not feel accepted.
The teen lies to himself standing in a position of who has full control over all situations, nothing surprises him because he knows everything, is strong and powerful, and all around him are weak. Is actually in a very difficult situation: one must leave the safety of children, their parents and their dependence guards they should leave the world he knows. Do not know if it has the features needed to enter the adult world does not know if it is sufficiently capable, does not know how to achieve that secret it seems that everyone knows but him, do not know if you should. On the other hand, the time does not ask permission and his body is changing and is being filled with feeling very strong and very new and may come to feel helpless before this.
Depression has to do with feeling helpless.
has to do with fear to take the next step.
is isolated when it feels it can not be separated.
what? The nest
Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
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