Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Snipe Sailboat For Sale

The enemy
are our
blind spots

Although the explicit intention of the author Sudhir Kakar in question the cultural validity of psychoanalysis, a topic which is immersed in a very interesting, my experience of the text focused on surprised to realize that I have had a point of view or conceptual framework, I have definitions as paradigms, and of course my eyes are not "universally suitable" for everything. It seemed more fun than anyone I remember the glass through which I read reality, and I remember the fact that there is a crystal. A coconut on the head.
So the task here would be to clearly state these definitions that correspond to my socio-cultural moment and determine what I understand.
is about knowing the failure of thought, transcending its roots (p. 547).
Only by knowing the enemy one can be alert, and measured against him.
The enemy are our blind spots.

I realize I have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe mind as an isolated island of individual consciousness, deeply conscious of its subjectivity and its tendency unlimited child of illusion and projection neglected (p. 551).
What is this modern psychological? It
I have a modern vision of human experience according to which each of us lives in his subjective world ... (p. 551). And I can only plead guilty. Lenses have been named the world that I see and understand reality. And I love, "but I guess that is not subject to this moment.

writes that the essence of modernity internalization is psychological rather than outsourcing, where is the source of vitality, has an internal or external one?
allows me to ask me that question.

says that psychoanalysis can access the Indian individuality if the therapist is willing and able to build bridges between traditional and modern individuality.
I think, however, that in the privacy of the office, the task of building bridges is a task that must be undertaken during each of the last minutes of the meeting, and the difficulty of reaching the other does not belong to the universe of culture.

Laryngitis More Condition_symptoms

A story of fear and poverty solidarity

With a lump in the belly for fear of loneliness, fear of hunger and the future, man lives, before and after ever, poorly nourished, body and spirit, to remove soil grieving bread.

hard in this world, poverty, fraternity and solidarity however assure the survival and little redistribution of wealth.

But the real misery appears later in the twelfth century, brutally in the suburbs of the new cities which they collect the uprooted. Arrivals from the countryside and elsewhere to take advantage of the powerful growth of the first European cities, found the door closed. Those excluded from the growth and expect nothing. Fearing people live continually tomorrow.

Moreover, one can not speak of genuine misery then, because the relations of solidarity and brotherhood can make it possible to redistribute the wealth poor. Before there was the awful loneliness of misery we see today.

This solidarity is a fundamental difference that the step from poverty to misery.
depends on how you build a society. Before the man was embedded in groups, the household, the village. The man, the lieutenant opened their barns to feed the poor if a famine happening. It was his duty and was convinced. These mechanisms then avoided the terrible misery that we know today. It could be very poor, but along with others. Solidarity mechanisms, common to traditional societies, stipulated that the rich had a duty to give. Different religions and encouraged this duty to help. Then there was gregarious societies, are unaware of the loneliness. Slept several in one bed, inside the walls of houses had not only separation of fabric. Never left alone, be wary of who did: they were crazy or criminal. It was hard to live well, but also gave security. It seems, however, that were once much more confident today in solidarity. Infinitely more. It is obvious that there is always selfish, people also fear, keeps things to herself. But I think the confidence in a natural gesture of solidarity, participation was anchored in the minds of men.

Misery villagers appreciated the early medieval towns of the twelfth century. Suddenly. As intolerable. Was the result of migration and therefore, of being uprooted.
solidarity was destroyed early to be orphaned group. Had left the family. They were alone for the first time, and in a sorry state.
's show his misery was the rapid development of hospitals and charitable institutions in France, for example. It created the "Hotel Di-s", formed guilds, mutual aid associations, he began creating a new form of solidarity. The discovery of poverty, true, he had also emerged new ways of living religion in the sense of responsibility for one another. The feeling that you should help others apparently strengthens more and more among the poor.

And it's that dramatic, although what makes someone miserable poor person is the relationship of support and solidarity received from those around you, since I had already a rejection of the miserable and the migrant. Other and the different. When you do not know.

So who else had started to fear the poor, the uprooted, who began to be too many, disturbing, different, alien. At this time, the phenomenon of rejection.
And suppose also that of selfishness accepted.

And then the loneliness hurts more than any poverty. And then it's the loneliness, what really leads to misery.

The misery of those who do not have, and also the misery of people who do not give. Sabina

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Mandy Lightspeed My-fetish Mf2004-11-24

See, imagine, feel the pain of others

"Only when we hurt others we are unable to imagine. "

This is the title of an article written by Juan Goytisolo to the English newspaper" El País "(January 13, 2009). I join him with all my commitment not to be insensitive to others' pain, not to erase the humanity of people outside my family.
I quote: "The willful refusal or induced to recognize the harm they cause is often a product of anxiety, the horror of our own past, ancestral fears its repetition in the future. We kill out of fear, trapped in a spiral of anxiety, suspicion and aggressive impulses that is difficult to escape. Because of this we let the force of reason Give way to the logic of force. We are not guilty of evil we inflict on the basis of that would swoop down on our heads. The logic of fear / punishment / fear is endless, but the anxiety and blind faith in one's own strength are bad advisers. "

writes that he and I write about Gaza.
Never before has hurt me the pain of indolence.

Since Al-Jazeera (english.aljazeera.net) became my favorite news channel, a multiplicity of perspectives round and round my mind. Any way I can not stay with only one perspective of history. I personally need to know more, and I need to know about the voices of others, need perspective. I, personally, I feel very committed to listening to others. My mind is small and need from the minds of others, to help me think.

My only point: being open to hearing other voices.
Listen for example, as Goytisolo listens to a teacher secular Palestinian unrelated to any political struggle: "Look at the young people in the field. Crowded living without work, leisure, opportunities to migrate or start a family. Slowly dying in life and feel his heart is transformed into a bomb and one day, without telling anyone, either run with a gun to a suicidal terrorist operation. They do not mind dying, "beyond ideology, because they are already dead. Has reached a point where life and death are almost the same. "

The lack of imagination regarding the pain of the Palestinians," the ethical capacity, and human-first, to put in place, locks in Israel a dead end: the to hit harder and harder enemies.

We know and recognize the dignity of those to save ours. Boris Gerson sent the story of Ahmed Khatib, a Palestinian boy of 12 who was shot dead by Israeli soldiers while playing with a toy gun. The boy's parents donated his organs to six Israelis. Explained to reporter Chris McGreal The Guardian that his decision was a gesture of peace and at the same time, resistance.

Another benchmark is the documentary Encounter Point (Encounter Point). The protagonists of the film are the Palestinian Ali Abu Awwad and Robi Damelin Israel.

Ali traveled to Saudi Arabia in the year 2000 to receive treatment after an Israeli settler has caused a gunshot wound. There he learned that his brother Yusef was killed in an Israeli military operation. Ali spent many years in an Israeli jail for demonstrating against the occupation, throwing stones and being a member of a political party. When Yusef was killed, Ali joined the Israeli-Palestinian Forum of Families of Fallen Pro Reconciliation and Peace to work alongside Palestinians and Israelis who support non-violent methods and reconciliation, as well as founding the Al Tareek (The Way). Ali fighting vehemently against those advocating hatred towards the "other" in both towns, as well as against those who accuse him of working to stigmatize the "enemy."

In 2002 a Palestinian sniper killed a group of Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint. Robi's son, David, was one of them. Robi was plunged into a deep depression after losing her son. He touched defending an Israeli settlement in the occupied territories, whose existence is opposed politically. After David's death, Robi joined the Israeli-Palestinian Forum of Families. Dedicated his life to promoting Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation in Israel, the Palestinian Authority and international level, as the voice of that circle.

Israeli-Palestinian Forum of Families of Fallen Pro Reconciliation and Peace is a framework that brings together approximately 500 families of both peoples, who have lost first-degree relatives in the context of conflict and violence the region. This forum, also known as "The circle of parents", was founded in 1994.

here among us in this city Silvana Rabinovich and a large group of people, certainly one today I invite you to join the task of taking testimony of Palestinian children killed in the war and take a dead child (http : / / www.uninomuerto.blogspot.com/), and writes:

"Hundreds of children have lost their lives during the ongoing military offensive Israel in Gaza. That fact alone, regardless of analysis, positions and affiliations, should be enough for all people of good will in the world feel ashamed of this war and all wars.
... and since the pain has fueled the war effort, we believe it is possible to transform the suffering of our fellows in a database for fraternity and coexistence, provided we are able to approach the suffering and try to perceive what victims feel.

For this purpose we decided to take as relatives of some of the girls and children who have died in this attack, we are ready to witness and suffer his absence and to honor his memory: adopt, each of us, a minor died in the offensive.
will, henceforth, part of our family. Endeavor to communicate with their families to share their devastation. Try to get to know our little dead, to find out details of his life, to have with us a picture of them. Telling our friends and our acquaintances in Israel's military offensive in Gaza killed a child to us that we love.

The initiative "Adopt a dead child" looks challenged the conscience of every Jewish person -On which now weighs molten lead Israeli military incursion into Gaza, as a call to responsibility for each other; Obligado, before the rest of mankind, every Jew can now go back shameful act of sharing, giving its one-to assume-the Hebrew words that name the parents "orphan" children: shacul av (father grieving for a child), shculah em (mother orphan child.) We intend to stop the conversion of the pain of both peoples in additional fuel for the war and transform the dead of both sides in the seeds of peace.

So today we undertake this initiative.
I sign for them.

I just want to hold me responsible for the pain of others, and declare it inadmissible remain indifferent to the tragedy and the depth of the destruction and human suffering. The tragedy does not distinguish between insiders and outsiders.
I can feel your pain, and I affix to it.
Sabina Alazraki

Refernces For Rissy Roo's

When NOT give
is better than giving

Not that there's that fear the no.
He can not be the most generous and most powerful to help someone.
Tefilah People who do not know. Often, though sincerely ask what they think they need, the answer may be NO, and can recognize that this is not the most loving response you may receive.

When is it best not to?

It takes more than one to answer that question. And how lucky
who thinks that discriminate easily know when the aid, and committed-real-is to give and when to stop.
you be more generous in not giving that releasing all with open hands.

Of course each case is unique, but it would not hurt to ask every time what
give?, how to?, how far to give?, why give?
say many things when we give someone. Dar

can send a message of confidence. Dar
can send a message to fill impotence.

When they give you are sending a silent message (-which may even be silent even for yourself-) to another person to understand that is very capable, very courageous, too strong, acknowledge his lack of strength and then seems need help. And we all know how good you are. And do not think so ... and give. I do not know if that would be a generous aid.

not always have to help by giving, sometimes aid more when they do not give.
When you say NO, you may be recognizing the full potential of the other person has to get ahead, you're saying that will not shrink, to try their own wings, then assume that their wings have the strength to hold it in their attempts for flying.

Sometimes giving is a way to dominate, to control, to submit.

Sometimes saying no is a way to respect, trust, release.

problems often become motors that move us to other stages in life.
problems force us to think, to look for alternatives and new ways.
Solving problems we grow, we become stronger. Not always have to keep the people we go through problems, problems are opportunities for growth, let it strengthen its wings, say no at the appropriate time may be the best help you can give someone.

Sometimes giving, encourages people to stay little, "and stay put, by the way, in place of the powerful," saying does not help them grow.

This way not to give aid community that recognizes the capabilities on the other to resolve their situation. No longer a painless, but stronger. Worthwhile. Receive
not force you to think, act, to change course. A search for new options.
Play someone confident in your ability, that is a real help.
Who said you should have everything we want?

not kid ourselves into a magical world, accept the resignation and the pain of living with the feet on the ground that at the end of the day will reward truer and deeper, for the sole fact of being real.

help others to perceive its limits, and recognize what is and what is not possible. And even where to get, and how far you need to learn is to stop and think otherwise. Sabina

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy S_alazraki@hotmail.com

Itchy Breasts More Condition_symptoms

personal contribution to the debate about whether spirituality (a person) is independent of (his) psychology.

Much debate the idea of \u200b\u200bwhether it is possible that a person has a high spiritual level, but both have major psychological problems. We also wonder if a person with a lot of internal development, which is psychologically well-established, say, "with the heart in place" may be an unspiritual person.

The question is whether it is possible separate the psychological reality of spiritual reality. Let's think about how to separate the psychological experience (which refers to the way you see others and the world, his relations with the important people in his life, his moods), their ability to make contact with experiences something that transcends it.

Is it even possible to draw a line?

one hand I understand the argument that spiritual experience is an experience that goes beyond the same Self who lives it, which is defined precisely by breaking the narcissism barrier and appeals to that which is beyond itself.
On the other hand, argue against the argument that that potential is, say, a potential "extra-psychological."

is said that the spiritual is that part of the experience that is ineffable, intangible, that goes beyond the familiar language, we have no words for that. What fight is that this is an intimate part of human psychological experience, and awarded to a "beyond" is, for me, disqualify the qualities of the soul.
This represents spiritual silence between words.
represents the vacuum structures.

more if not for that silence the words aglomerarían made a mess of complex sounds absurd, crazy, intelligible.
Department I live in is full of voids and as a result I can organize my life here. The structure, as before the words, is made by walls, columns, however is in the empty space between the floor and the ceiling where I live and I can found here a place to think and a soft couch where. What would this structure if it were all full and do not leave any empty space?

That vacuum of experience, the incommunicable is the space containing the communicable experience the world of expressions, crying, the word, the insatiable demand of love and unsatisfied desire which is the engine of psychic par excellence. The transcendent

is a psychic ability, and depends on children's emotional experiences of despair or containment. Psychotic experiences are emotional overflow where the mind fades into hundreds of pieces disintegrated causing more anguish terrifying. They are ecstatic experiences of integration, unity of infinite compassion and respect, and this depends on whether the mind (the tool that makes the reading experience) was conceived in a love nest or terrifying.
We are what we are. Starting
simply how we approach or what we stand for elusive, the history is written from our sensitivity and ability to trust in something unspeakable.

The earliest emotional experiences, how to contact the mother shaped the privacy of the mind.
And I can think privacy is the cradle of spirituality.

Prolexis Enlargement Review

violence arises

abuse of power from one person to another.

is curious suggestion that a reflection on violence when violence is defined, precisely because it is an act devoid of any possibility of reflection. That which precludes consideration is where the violence.

It is the formation of ties based on narcissistic impulses that do not recognize the existence of "other" outside the person himself and sees others as representatives of the unwanted parts of oneself. is a state of almost total solitude populated by very confusing internal images are projected, for example, in marriage.

Hence the only answer to violence as proposed article Garda, be listening. listening first, in front of someone you do know who holds the violence that may contain his inner world through reflection, and secondly, that to start listening self-words for their experiences silent and secret, is the possibility of establishing an intimate relationship with someone live, recognizable out of his mind. Think

violence from the point of view of men's silence can not do nothing but act out their fear and discomfort, helps to inoculate against the tendency to moralize the issue immediately, as if it just a matter of behavior instead of personality structure. Interestingly

6 categories that presented a study about how men have the fantasy role that women must meet in front of them, are all in the sense that "it one way or another is the service Total him, "thus confirming that this is a problem rooted in the early stages of emotional development when the mother is absolutely at the service of baby. As if to recreate this relationship in an adult with any person who has self harmed enough to permit such a claim. It's actually a crazy claim of completeness and narcissistic omnipotence, as I suggested earlier.

then is played compulsively that experience of emotional isolation that disrupts the ability to think what it does, on the one hand, and on the other, the effect of violence on others.

From a viewpoint less intimate and more social or community, the "World Report on Violence and Health", describes a scene looking for commonalities between the stories of violence in different cultures where the understanding of what is violence, and especially the rights of men over women are rooted in ancient cultural discourses.

Although different societies differ according to their own criteria among the reasons "just" or "unfair" of abuse, is now known that most battered women are not passive victims, but adopt active strategies to maximize their safety and their children. And among the factors that may cause women continue in a relationship where they are battered listed above, the fear of punishment, lack of money, concern for children, emotional dependence, lack of support from friends and family, and the constant hope (I would say delusional) that man will change.

Impacts to consciousness this strange relationship between the silence of men that we talked about before, and their correspondence with the silence of women, being basically half of battered women never mentioned the abuse to others. Ending a relationship is not an isolated event but a process and explains that most women leave and return several times before able to make the decision to terminate the relationship permanently.

Violence in the family home has emerged as a risk factor (along with alcohol) especially powerful intimate partner aggression. There are 5 times more likely to be assaulted by a man who has consumed alcohol, which a sober man. There are obvious emotional needs any human who holds emotionally suspended in a glass, which gives the benefit he be obsessed awareness of feelings and inner world. No resources to put into words their experiences of life, especially the painful feeling of deadness. The meeting with parties who feel self dead.

also clear the enormous importance of social support networks to strengthen women's decision to live homeless and not linked to any alternative exit. Which have a place to go, legal protection, a group to talk, a service of physical and mental health, job training, programs for children, is a necessary and urgent social responsibility.

Dietary Exchange Calculator

Structure and Family Therapy

Sabina Alazraki
June 30, 2008

Both texts addresses the issue of "Family Myth" or "narrative truth", referring to the account which identifies the person as part of the family, and that is an element of cohesion, identity, origin, and hierarchical organization among its members.

around these shared beliefs in whose name the family gets together, arm, according to the systemic framework, the total relational structure. I understand that if one is thinking in systemic terms will always find a larger structure that encompasses the sub-structures that shape it, and think therefore that there is a change in the structure above, will alter the whole order system. And this logic no fault, and is useful for understanding certain dynamics even unconscious.

However we can not, or at least something I can not fail to consider is the reference to "family Freudian Myth." There is a mythical story in the unconscious of each of the members of the family system, and you have to wonder about the relationship that may exist between the original myth and personal myths.

There are patients who give consistency to the weight of its history, making this a novel that closes off any possibility of subjective involvement. It is for those who come to the consultation with the certainty that his story, as the recount, this explains their woes. It is hard for entry into analysis because they displayed no doubts or questions, there is no hesitation on that story as crystallized. This explains its excessively about their past and what they tell, in fact, is not history but myth and the mythic narrative is seamless, without riddles, while the storytelling is full of mystery and ambiguity.

Hence the importance of permeable and flexible of these stories, and limits the fall.

Hypothyroidism' More Condition_symptoms


One thinks of fertility and think about babies.
Or the lack thereof. Think
Or lack thereof.

you think of a job, the love of life, in friendships, in abundance.
you think you need luck, you think of poverty, you think of lifelessness. You may feel dry / o. In

to live.
There is an intimate relationship between fertility and the will to live. Finally

not conceive a child only.
A rich life is a life full of fruit, to give, to be productive, in generosity.

always know the mind and body are able to influence the body. Biological infertility is the easiest way to understand this difficulty to give life. This difficulty we sum drops of poison in the blood that leaves us increasingly frustrated, angry and desperately unhappy. But perhaps we could think of a way to nurture more new possibilities.

is known that women with deep experience depression are twice as likely to have problems with reproduction.
fertility begins with the image, and feelings associated with that image, "of ourselves. If we have an inner world in low light, little water, little care, short, poor sensitivity, we have even the raw material, to bring forth something new from us.
Okay, now we can feel worse. Not only are we tolerating the pain of not being able to generate new life, but also now we blame for it. It is certain that we have already blamed a hundred times before, with the difference that now we also have a good argument.

Guilt is a gum that we should have stopped chewing in lost flavor. Guilt is a good tool to help us think if anything we should have done differently, if there are aspects of our personality that we should improve. That is the taste. And their role. Then it becomes a source of bacteria that can chew a lifetime.

Talk about a hard inner world is in fact the beginning of real hope. If suddenly turn our face and we realize that we are in a dark place, you have to do then is get up, wash face, open windows ... if you can.
If not, please take care, and be sure to discuss this with someone who can help you with what you need. We all need. We all need air. By

committed self-healing process, and thanks to the resolution of painful experiences of childhood and family conflicts, it is possible to create a new life for individuals and for couples, achieving a new inner life healthier and happier. Many times the emotional conflicts can arise in the form of family secrets, which close our breath, to not miss anything dangerous. If we

the time to listen what we say all day in silence, in the mind, if we take responsibility to understand the origin of the negative messages that dry the heart, through the identification and release deep emotions expressed not in a process that takes into account the way that family history and the experiences that accompanied us to grow have influenced our ability to make changes, to look at ourselves and the people who want a more juicy, more satisfying, more full of possibilities .
is important to realize if we have become a repository of painful experiences.
negative voices lose their power when we are willing to listen.

Healing the wounds of childhood is not just a way to reclaim and reassert the reproductive capacity, in other words, the ability to create new things, but also a way to heal many other aspects of life.

The word "fertility" in a deeper sense, it reflects a feeling about oneself vital and positive relationship with the rest of the world. We can only start seeing fertile beings, thoroughly reviewing a few points:

• Exploring childhood memories and experiences, conscious and unconscious, stories and myths of the family, about their own vitality.
• Develop, working to understand painful memories, "forgotten" apparently.
• Daring to appoint
true feelings, in order to enrich the emotional and physical life who longs to conceive ...

Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy


Sinusititus What Should I Use

Adolescent Depression

In 1905, Freud described the process of detachment from the authority of parents as the most significant, and the most painful, "psychic achievement of adolescence. This release involves a very complex struggle. The

depressed teenager constantly complains of a sense of confused identity, looks very apathetic at times, hyperactive in others, but at all times to be feared above all criticism. Fear a further loss in its already diminished self-esteem, and is convinced that it is not wanted, and moreover, that it is 'un-likable', a nobody. The sense of isolation caused by these feelings becomes increasingly turbulent, the adolescent can not give up the relationship of dependency with their parents are unable to abandon the past and go forward into the future.
not able to form new relationships. The many difficulties in their identity centered interfere with the progress of ego development to maturity.
This conflicted I try to control and to channel their conflicts in a more mature, but fails, his inability to function in this way is a means of maintaining ties to his family.

need to satisfy the demands of family, their environment and reality, on the one hand, and rebellion of the self against pressures and demands, on the other hand, produces a constant conflict with feelings of guilt which maintains depression.

The painful adolescent mental achievement, "the release of parental authority," is so painful because it is experienced by way of a release, but as an abandonment beings of whom depend for guidance and emotional support. Hence, the reluctance is installed, accompanied by feelings of loneliness, emptiness and helplessness, and filled with resentment at the idea of \u200b\u200babandoning the past.

psychodynamic theory of depression described above, derived from clinical experience. The theory of depression in adults coincides with the adolescent because the reactions are identical. However, from a therapeutic standpoint, there are some differences. In the case of adolescent depression is defined as "a complete or partial collapse of the self-esteem in which he feels unable to live and achieve their own aspirations. "

When the lies are necessary? When the person does not feel accepted.

The teen lies to himself standing in a position of who has full control over all situations, nothing surprises him because he knows everything, is strong and powerful, and all around him are weak. Is actually a very difficult situation: one must leave the safety of children, their parents and their dependence guards they should leave the world he knows. Do not know if it has the features needed to enter the adult world does not know if it is sufficiently capable, does not know how to achieve that secret It seems that everyone knows but him, do not know if you should. On the other hand, the time does not ask permission and his body is changing and is being filled with feeling very strong and very new and may come to feel helpless before this.

Depression has to do with feeling helpless.
has to do with fear to take the next step.
is isolated when it feels it can not be separated.
what? The nest

Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Premenopause More Condition_symptoms

Adolescent Depression

In 1905, Freud described the process of detachment from the authority of parents as the most significant-and most painful, "the psychic achievement of adolescence. This release involves a very complex struggle.

The depressed teenager constantly complains of a sense of confused identity, looks very apathetic at times, hyperactive in others, but at all times to be feared above all criticism. Fear a further loss in its already diminished self-esteem, and is convinced that it is not wanted, and moreover, that it is 'un-likable', a nobody. The sense of isolation produced by these feelings becomes increasingly turbulent, the adolescent can not give up the relationship of dependency with their parents are unable to abandon the past and go forward into the future.
not able to form new relationships. The many difficulties in their identity centered interfere with the progress of ego development to maturity.
This conflicted I try to control and to channel their conflicts in a more mature, but fails, his inability to function in this way is a means of maintaining ties to his family.

need to satisfy the demands of family, their environment and reality, on the one hand, and rebellion against the self and pressures demands, on the other hand, produces a constant conflict with feelings of guilt which maintains depression.

The painful adolescent mental achievement, "the release of parental authority," is so painful because it is experienced by way of a release, but as an abandonment of beings that we depend upon for guidance and emotional support. Hence, the reluctance is installed, accompanied by feelings of loneliness, emptiness and helplessness, and filled with resentment at the idea of \u200b\u200babandoning the past.

psychodynamic theory of depression described above, derived from clinical experience. The theory about depression in adulthood coincides with the adolescent because the reactions are identical. However, from a therapeutic standpoint, there are some differences. In the case of adolescent depression is defined as "a complete or partial collapse of the self-esteem in which he feels unable to live and achieve their own aspirations."

When the lies are necessary? When the person does not feel accepted.

The teen lies to himself standing in a position of who has full control over all situations, nothing surprises him because he knows everything, is strong and powerful, and all around him are weak. Is actually in a very difficult situation: one must leave the safety of children, their parents and their dependence guards they should leave the world he knows. Do not know if it has the features needed to enter the adult world does not know if it is sufficiently capable, does not know how to achieve that secret it seems that everyone knows but him, do not know if you should. On the other hand, the time does not ask permission and his body is changing and is being filled with feeling very strong and very new and may come to feel helpless before this.

Depression has to do with feeling helpless.
has to do with fear to take the next step.
is isolated when it feels it can not be separated.
what? The nest

Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Mount And Blade Name Generator

"Children in Therapy? We hear

research in the field of child development and psychotherapy have been enriched by more and more over the years. It has been discovered and come to understand much about the intimacy of the mind, its functioning, its origin, its flirtation.
We can now see in children's growth signals, "including the origin of the sense of identity, if someone, variations in the affections, the form of thought and the relationship with its external world, "and messages that if we listen, we read.

not always easy to identify when emotional expressions, are tantrums, anger, crying, screaming or silence, and behaviors of a child are significant enough to warrant psychotherapy whether, if part of the development, if the whim or rude. This requires a committed and deeply ethical person who can think with the mother (or better yet, with both parents) what may be happening with the child and what has that to do that we're trying to say. Because everything you do a child communicates.
If the little one is fortunate enough to have someone to turn to him with genuine interest, whatever happens you will have to develop more friendly. Because nothing kills as well as emotional neglect and lack of emotional contact with someone living and loving. The half-
inner death we see every day.

A general proposal is that children have a great capacity for change, they are very malleable, and that the growth process itself impels them to change or to the pursuit of a healthy outcome overcoming many psychological or behavioral problems.
Although many problems resulting from preschool are not themselves it is true that children's problems are transient. Your
is forming, is understanding the things of the world and is defining a way of being. Is making decisions about how relationships are. And those decisions will be printed as a seal on clay, and become the crystals with those who see the world. Many examples indicate the continuity of problem behavior.

was examined in a study the possible relationship between psychopathology and childhood problems that were manifested before age 4 and concluded, for example, that in pre-school children extreme impulsivity may be a precursor of antisocial behavior, and shyness can be avoidant personality.
The differences between normal narcissism and pathological development serve as illustration: the normal narcissism, the little want to be the center of attention and deserves support, while recognizing that depends on the others and expresses gratitude, the child with a narcissism disease also requires the center of attention, but does not accept the office or show gratitude.

can be assumed that an abnormal development proceeds abnormally, and that if he makes an appearance in childhood can take over a lifetime. That children - (and ourselves as children) - tend to maintain the psychological disturbance especially when they are offered a treatment to help them develop, process and understand the pain that may be causing that recorded in the clay of their feelings. Sabina

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy