The following is a summary of the highlights of today Plaiaundi census.
- remains the large loon. It is at times close to high tide as it enters the river and you can watch at your leisure.
- very complete
- podicipédidos Presence: Great Crested Grebe, Red-necked grebes, common and black-necked grebe grebe.
- As noted 125 teal ducks, 3 tufted ducks, 2 geese and 38 ducks friezes, in addition to spoons, and a female azulones common scoter.
- Among the waders include 7 avocets, curlews 5, 32 and 6 gray plover golden plover, 119 Lapwings, 13 and 7 needles colipintas godwits as well and trilling curlew, redshank and clear, ringed plover , dunlin, turnstone, etc ...
- 5 epátulas still unsettled and has been flying at low altitude a common crane.
- Presence
- also reed bunting.
A greeting.
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