woodpeckers in concentration
In recent days we have collected from many users who come to Plaiaundi quotes about the existence of woodpeckers in the area. Because of the confusion that is being created with them, we clarify the nature thereof:
In Plaiaundi so far today have been cited 4 species of woodpeckers. Woodpecker ( Dendracopos major), Pico lower ( Dendracopos minor), Wryneck (Jynx torquilla) and Woodpecker (Picus viridis).
Woodpecker, you see them at any time of year, although the citations listed are scarce. So we would say that their status is regular but with little effect. Individuals who come to Plaiaundi surely takes to consideration as an area where sporadic power. Transmission Txingudi Marshes what we have seen in recent days.
The lower Pico is a species more common than Woodpecker in Plaiaundi. For two years we have seen the most likely breeding in the hollows that offers wooded area of \u200b\u200bspace. Difficult detectability is in these moments when the trees no leaves it can be a good time to observe. It is a common bird in urban parks and gardens. Transmission Txingudi Marshes carry a time without looking at it, but obviously this does not mean it is not present.
picid The Wryneck is a summer, usually in spring and summer. The quotes listed are common. As for the
Woodpecker, noted that only one appointment has collected in Plaiaundi.
Greetings. According
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