M. The Psychotic Core Eigen
Some Main Ideas
* Understanding the psychodynamics of madness is essential in therapy for most patients no matter what your specific condition. Diagnosed as psychotic patients actually represent a very small portion of the general population. But now, states and psychotic attitudes may appear in a wide range of emotional states. Borderline and narcissistic personalities are two examples of self disorders that require the analyst's attention to the dimension "crazy" life.
* This text takes ideas of Freud, Jung, Searles, Laing, of Object Relations (especially Winnicott, Bion and Ekin), and the psychology of the self. Its aim is to describe and critique the basic ideas in relation to their understanding of psychosis. The fundamental insight that madness makes the existence of man, can not be ruled out. A study of this kind inevitably becomes an exploration of self.
* The description of Freud on narcissism was inspired by psychotic states. Religious thinkers have traditionally been associated with the grandeur of madness and evil, but Freud studied the phenomenon of self inflation with incredible precision. The investigation of a heinous and intolerable sensitivity to slight and fragility, vulnerability and tenacity of narcissistic characters gives much light on psychotic states and vice versa.
In a very important measure, the quality of therapeutic work with narcissism depends on the vision and understanding we have of psychosis.
Analyst with later work as Kohut and Winnicott, emphasized that the grandeur and idealization were a normal part of development at different times; But what kind of beings arise and build wounds infinite power, What kind of being is overestimated and is constantly devalued as part of his eternal drama?
* Winnicott sums up the depth of what is at stake with the idea that neurosis is often a mask of psychosis.
One can have an analytic experience apparently with good results, the patient can function and feel better in several areas and have a more successful life, and yet often beneath all these gains, there remains a persistent and sharp feeling that something is wrong, and be haunted by the feeling that life is a sham. For Winnicott, the madness is associated with a sense of falseness of their existence. In some cases, the possibility of being alive can depend on the ability to cope with psychotic anxieties.
* The work of Bion, like Winnicott, focuses on the sense of catastrophe that holds the psychotic experience. The way in which one is linked with that which is beyond the limits of self, can make the difference between health and insanity.
* The common practice barriers against the destructive effects of self - expression, rise. The individual and his madness may overwhelm or alarmed to find that the communication-and communication in its most subtle, it is possible. One can speak of the lie they live. One can glimpse the terrifying depths of the self - deception and failure to cure. And yet, one can be improved, one can become more capable, more rich, more tolerant. One finds a way to move toward the center itself. One finds a way to move beyond yourself.
* This book is a burnt anger, self - poisoning insidious, horrible vacuum, misuse of wit, sharp inability to keep up with their own heightened awareness, the self-giving spirits and objects, a crippling shyness, an infernal torment, the overall sense of catastrophe, loss and rebirth of the self in fantasy scenarios in their wealth and their poverty found in the psychotic experience .
* The meaning of the book is to help us relax our eyes. The scary has its own beauty, their own ecstasy and should not enter into the ways of the mind as if it were not there. Its value lies in helping us to fear a little less what dwells within ourselves, in a non-destructive, but achieves enrich the quality of our ability to have experiences.
* the idea is debated whether or not a psychotic seed in every human being, the fact is that psychosis is one of the phenomena of human life that lead us to limit what we can experience. Changes and freezes the preconceived notions of what is possible. In psychosis which usually take it as material, is treated as immaterial, and vice versa. Psychosis is that we find the hard moments, and at the same time, the greatest fluctuation of symptoms. It is as if the mind, in a very short period, became a movie in fast motion, going at full speed through thousands of mental sequences, unable to choose and keep a to achieve distinction ... maybe, if you try them all, can finally choose any combination in which to live, or be able to breathe forever in unlimited freedom. The person in psychosis feel desperately trapped. The dualities that make up human experience are separate and exaggerated. At certain moments it seems that your mind dissolves, and looking wildly anything I can find, can not leave anything out of the relentless pursuit of who knows who. Can not rest until I see it. And that all dissolves and starts again without any opportunity to build on experience. One lives to himself as a kaleidoscope does not evolve.
* According to Freud, every aspect of development contributes to the way the individual organizes the meaning and is affected by this sense, while his work was developing his vision of narcissism, wrote that psychosis may be the key to understanding the ego. Developed the idea of \u200b\u200bprimary narcissism as a framework to put the two main characteristics of psychosis, megalomania and "detachment" from the outside world (like loss of boundaries). Freud's self inflation associated with idolatry, figurative image of the enormous capacity of the ego to lose himself in objects. In different forms of identification, the ego can be like his subject, "is itself deposited the object, or placing the object within itself. Plotted ways in which the ego and the object could "symbolism of, and how this forms the basis for a mystical experience or ocean. Wrote about hypnosis, love, the army and the church as a vehicle for a kind of dependency that obliterates the boundaries of self.
The fundamental link between megalomania and dependency is an issue that will take many hours of analysis.
* Talk of six major components of psychosis, or six basic ways in which the psychotic process organizes the basic materials of personality: hallucinations, dementalisation, the question of borders or boundaries, hatred, epistemology and processing to the contrary.
* Hallucinations: In a sense, the ability to hallucinate is universal, the ability to produce a hallucinatory state seems to be part of our ability to produce pictures and words. And there are some universal trends in construction: the ability hallucinatory seems to oscillate between the divine and the demonic (Apollo - Dionysus) contains erotic obsessions concerning fecal or it is divided between the extremes of absolute power and absolute helplessness have the tendency to make demands and give orders. The hallucination points to the immediate gratification, not the thought. The problem of mental pain is fundamental: the meaning is imagined pleasure, wherever there is pain.
* dementalisation: Among our earliest defenses is the ability to stay on target or even fall into a stupor. The mind is numb themselves against the emotional pain. The mind responds to pain, if necessary, through emptied of itself. The mind can try to get rid of itself it to get rid of the pain that is causing it.
* Borders: The Case of psychosis reach of their own boundaries of self and where there others is of utmost importance. In everyday life, a certain lack of distinction of the boundaries between self and others is to some extent understood. Makes communication possible. In the case of psychosis, natural tissue between the self and others can become a terrifying experience to dissolve or invasion.
* Hate: Freud wrote about how the self is torn apart when their hatred is contained and diverted. The agent described and traumatic experiences in terms of aggression beyond words, as "stab the heart." Klein found that the organization psychotic hatred took a decisive, It also plays a role in organizing the infant's response to pain.
* Epistemology: If psychology studies mental processes, the epistemology investigates these processes say about the nature of truth or reality. Perhaps nowhere else's idea of \u200b\u200bhow it constructs the reality is more relevant than psychosis.
* Reversal: Transformation to the contrary: Freud suggested that this defense was so basic that seems to precede the development of traditional defenses. A further development of these defenses are more able to change the direction of the pulse and change their valence. In the psychosis this capability becomes spiral and hardens. It becomes a permanent mental condition which transforms the whole experience in what is not.
* This text takes ideas of Freud, Jung, Searles, Laing, of Object Relations (especially Winnicott, Bion and Ekin), and the psychology of the self. Its aim is to describe and critique the basic ideas in relation to their understanding of psychosis. The fundamental insight that madness makes the existence of man, can not be ruled out. A study of this kind inevitably becomes an exploration of self.
* The description of Freud on narcissism was inspired by psychotic states. Religious thinkers have traditionally been associated with the grandeur of madness and evil, but Freud studied the phenomenon of self inflation with incredible precision. The investigation of a heinous and intolerable sensitivity to slight and fragility, vulnerability and tenacity of narcissistic characters gives much light on psychotic states and vice versa.
In a very important measure, the quality of therapeutic work with narcissism depends on the vision and understanding we have of psychosis.
Analyst with later work as Kohut and Winnicott, emphasized that the grandeur and idealization were a normal part of development at different times; But what kind of beings arise and build wounds infinite power, What kind of being is overestimated and is constantly devalued as part of his eternal drama?
* Winnicott sums up the depth of what is at stake with the idea that neurosis is often a mask of psychosis.
One can have an analytic experience apparently with good results, the patient can function and feel better in several areas and have a more successful life, and yet often beneath all these gains, there remains a persistent and sharp feeling that something is wrong, and be haunted by the feeling that life is a sham. For Winnicott, the madness is associated with a sense of falseness of their existence. In some cases, the possibility of being alive can depend on the ability to cope with psychotic anxieties.
* The work of Bion, like Winnicott, focuses on the sense of catastrophe that holds the psychotic experience. The way in which one is linked with that which is beyond the limits of self, can make the difference between health and insanity.
* The common practice barriers against the destructive effects of self - expression, rise. The individual and his madness may overwhelm or alarmed to find that the communication-and communication in its most subtle, it is possible. One can speak of the lie they live. One can glimpse the terrifying depths of the self - deception and failure to cure. And yet, one can be improved, one can become more capable, more rich, more tolerant. One finds a way to move toward the center itself. One finds a way to move beyond yourself.
* This book is a burnt anger, self - poisoning insidious, horrible vacuum, misuse of wit, sharp inability to keep up with their own heightened awareness, the self-giving spirits and objects, a crippling shyness, an infernal torment, the overall sense of catastrophe, loss and rebirth of the self in fantasy scenarios in their wealth and their poverty found in the psychotic experience .
* The meaning of the book is to help us relax our eyes. The scary has its own beauty, their own ecstasy and should not enter into the ways of the mind as if it were not there. Its value lies in helping us to fear a little less what dwells within ourselves, in a non-destructive, but achieves enrich the quality of our ability to have experiences.
* the idea is debated whether or not a psychotic seed in every human being, the fact is that psychosis is one of the phenomena of human life that lead us to limit what we can experience. Changes and freezes the preconceived notions of what is possible. In psychosis which usually take it as material, is treated as immaterial, and vice versa. Psychosis is that we find the hard moments, and at the same time, the greatest fluctuation of symptoms. It is as if the mind, in a very short period, became a movie in fast motion, going at full speed through thousands of mental sequences, unable to choose and keep a to achieve distinction ... maybe, if you try them all, can finally choose any combination in which to live, or be able to breathe forever in unlimited freedom. The person in psychosis feel desperately trapped. The dualities that make up human experience are separate and exaggerated. At certain moments it seems that your mind dissolves, and looking wildly anything I can find, can not leave anything out of the relentless pursuit of who knows who. Can not rest until I see it. And that all dissolves and starts again without any opportunity to build on experience. One lives to himself as a kaleidoscope does not evolve.
* According to Freud, every aspect of development contributes to the way the individual organizes the meaning and is affected by this sense, while his work was developing his vision of narcissism, wrote that psychosis may be the key to understanding the ego. Developed the idea of \u200b\u200bprimary narcissism as a framework to put the two main characteristics of psychosis, megalomania and "detachment" from the outside world (like loss of boundaries). Freud's self inflation associated with idolatry, figurative image of the enormous capacity of the ego to lose himself in objects. In different forms of identification, the ego can be like his subject, "is itself deposited the object, or placing the object within itself. Plotted ways in which the ego and the object could "symbolism of, and how this forms the basis for a mystical experience or ocean. Wrote about hypnosis, love, the army and the church as a vehicle for a kind of dependency that obliterates the boundaries of self.
The fundamental link between megalomania and dependency is an issue that will take many hours of analysis.
* Talk of six major components of psychosis, or six basic ways in which the psychotic process organizes the basic materials of personality: hallucinations, dementalisation, the question of borders or boundaries, hatred, epistemology and processing to the contrary.
* Hallucinations: In a sense, the ability to hallucinate is universal, the ability to produce a hallucinatory state seems to be part of our ability to produce pictures and words. And there are some universal trends in construction: the ability hallucinatory seems to oscillate between the divine and the demonic (Apollo - Dionysus) contains erotic obsessions concerning fecal or it is divided between the extremes of absolute power and absolute helplessness have the tendency to make demands and give orders. The hallucination points to the immediate gratification, not the thought. The problem of mental pain is fundamental: the meaning is imagined pleasure, wherever there is pain.
* dementalisation: Among our earliest defenses is the ability to stay on target or even fall into a stupor. The mind is numb themselves against the emotional pain. The mind responds to pain, if necessary, through emptied of itself. The mind can try to get rid of itself it to get rid of the pain that is causing it.
* Borders: The Case of psychosis reach of their own boundaries of self and where there others is of utmost importance. In everyday life, a certain lack of distinction of the boundaries between self and others is to some extent understood. Makes communication possible. In the case of psychosis, natural tissue between the self and others can become a terrifying experience to dissolve or invasion.
* Hate: Freud wrote about how the self is torn apart when their hatred is contained and diverted. The agent described and traumatic experiences in terms of aggression beyond words, as "stab the heart." Klein found that the organization psychotic hatred took a decisive, It also plays a role in organizing the infant's response to pain.
* Epistemology: If psychology studies mental processes, the epistemology investigates these processes say about the nature of truth or reality. Perhaps nowhere else's idea of \u200b\u200bhow it constructs the reality is more relevant than psychosis.
* Reversal: Transformation to the contrary: Freud suggested that this defense was so basic that seems to precede the development of traditional defenses. A further development of these defenses are more able to change the direction of the pulse and change their valence. In the psychosis this capability becomes spiral and hardens. It becomes a permanent mental condition which transforms the whole experience in what is not.
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