Saturday, March 10, 2007

Simple Directions For Building A Rabbit Cage

The Violence of Silence

The violence of silence

There is a certain kind of silence that breeds violence.
is a silence that erases the truth of another.
is a silence that passes through the eye, which is inherited from parents to children, grandchildren and their children and their parents.
is a silence that ensures the passage of trauma between generations.
violence scenes, trauma scenes are unconsciously transmitted by the survivors. Especially the scenes that have never found words. Violent scenes secret. Those who think themselves more private. These are actually the least hidden. There are moments of pain and is entered in the minds of children, and which are enrolled in a disturbing, because it is a pain that neither the child nor the parents, can heal with words, but why not cease to exist.

The trauma experienced directly by the parent becomes a traumatic reality, sensible, but incomprehensible to the next generation. And just taking care of children, often tragic aspects of children from parents. Because only one adult was exposed to tragedies of childhood is able to revive, "without knowing it, hundreds of times scenes of real violence.
A father or mother that are crossed by duels in suspense, filled with feelings of emptiness and death "can mean any how to protect their children of their own anxieties?

The role of parents is, in principle, to alleviate those fears, to make sense.
But if neither the father nor the mother can receive, and transform the anguish sudan, the silent anguish, anxiety busting ... the child, because of his own anxiety is stripped of meaning and becomes trapped inside the child with a "nameless terror."
More severe symptoms displayed in children, are actually an echo of what their parents said no. Even the pain of their grandparents. But the pain in silence.

As a grandparent, a parent or a child cry and scream, continues to hope that listen and to rediscover what has been lost. But when that hope fades, the grandmother, mother and child come into an inner world of desolation.

On the contrary, the words, "the words of truth," almost like a blanket of protection, such as a teddy bear, represents continuity. Million saved from breaking. The words take us back to the world and give us security, like a melody or a smell, a vital support. The words become a primary symbol of love, and if they manage to keep inside, help care for and preserve the inner world. As the treasure in order to preserve the aspects of life of parents alive. Not even walk desolate aspects between alive.

Surviving a traumatic event requires that a person found inside a space that can be filled with words that protect the vacuum from the violence of what is not spoken. But we do is listen. Sabina

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Irish Sayings For Wedding

The Secret Anorexia

The secret, privacy, anorexia

There is an experience of intimacy - or closed for privacy, "in everything that we found. There is also an experience of intimacy found in the experiences of others, to those around them, who do not speak of it.
If we were more attention, we could read more about each other.
A lot of our behavior, they are actually charged conduct privacy, what they mean for us in secret.
And we forget that we are not alone in our secret life.

When it comes to anorexia, talk about a particular form of experience intimacy. Is a particular way that we can come, read, and which exceeds by far the discussion on the amount of food or food control, "the self and others. With these external events: the thin, deaf to danger, the hallucination of a bloated body, agigantado, la compulsión con el ejercicio, con todo eso, se nos pide una escucha acerca de algo que se pone en lo externo, pero que habla, insisto, de una manera particular de vivir la propia intimidad.

Hay que entender, para empezar, que antes de ser un problema, la anorexia es una solución. O por lo menos el esfuerzo por encontrar una solución. Una solución para recuperar en algo una sensación de control sobre la propia vida. O para recuperar el rastro de lo más íntimo de una intimidad que se vive como perdida, o más que eso, como robada.

Como dice el dicho: “Para el baile, hacen falta dos”, de la misma manera, para la anorexia, también se necesitan dos.
Because when it comes to dancing, both partners are in the service movement and like the two to dance. It goes and comes, and the two meet to pass something that both transcends and includes: the music.
When we talk about no music, no meeting, no movement, no taste, if you want. And if it had, it becomes a pleasure of the absent, the void, so no. As you think, in secrecy, is what is not. Just that.
But we had not said that here too there are two?

Yes, but here is a way to be two, where one side feels literally "swallowed" on the other. Where there is a war in which one of us is ready to go.
In the inner experience of an anorexic imagine that we will always find the image of a character, an inside presence who wants to dominate and control their impulses and thoughts. Determine from the outside who he is.
Anorexia is the maximum resistance against the secret image. And the resistance is carried to its logical conclusion: to the body, battlefield today.

What resists, then? Resists

identity theft. For your privacy and individuality of their desires. It resists being stolen from a minimal sense of control over their own. And nothing more appropriate than body. And in that field is won or lost life. Risking physical death, to live physically. Conquest
your body, and conquer a territory for themselves. Well
feel they have no other.

anorexic rejection is an ultimate solution to defend a sense of self, "I am", integrity, and at the same time to ensure through the control of hunger will a place where someone survives, representing the presence of someone (hunger) that can be controlled at will, changing place for a moment. Today is no longer a victim of the permanent control of someone else. Today it has become the owner of a valuable secret object that only she can control: hunger.
That no one will be able to steal.

Anorexia is a secret war that helps to resist a deep sense of helplessness. And above all, empty.

Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Friday, March 9, 2007

Breast Abscess More Condition_symptoms

Sabina Alazraki

The Bird Flu More Condition_symptoms

M. Vs A. Klein Green

Object Concept in work of M. Andre Green
Klein Klein criticizes

Search Introduction
have a clearer understanding of Kleinian thought, can be a route of many roads. One of them is known by its detractors and its conceptual differences with other authors. The way of critical thinking is a royal road to the ability to discern and discriminate the fabric of ideas that are built around a theoretical.

The text "The chains of Eros" by André Green, tackles the fierce criticism of the English school concepts and object relations theory regarding sexuality, exposing the inadequacies of contemporary conception of sexuality as one that tends to dismiss its scope. Seeks to define the fate of sexuality in contact with the development of theories of object relations and make an update on the issue of sexuality in contemporary psychoanalysis. Through this are profound differences that prevail between the two concepts and seeks to understand the merits of each.

Regarding the idea of \u200b\u200bnarcissism in general and primary narcissism in particular, is of fundamental importance to understand, continuing in the same vein, the differences between the theoretical foundations underlying the divergence in the way proposed by Freud and developed ultimately by Klein and his followers from the first generation.

Finally, the need to clarify the Kleinian concept of object, to understand their formation and their vicissitudes takes the place of foundation stone for understanding the psychoanalytic clinic. Willy Baranger takes the original discussions about the place of fantasy and object displayed in the Kleinian theory as a motor structure and the psychic apparatus.
And it is a way of responding to allegations that Green's thought to Klein about placing the object in the place of the drive, when using the concept of position you're not on the other, and that above but not separated as a single unit.

1. Debate and criticism of Klein's interpretation of contemporary psychoanalysis and of sexuality from the perspective

André Green writes in Chains of Eros:
"Strange destiny of sexuality when Freud's family was forced into exile and London became the capital of psychoanalysis. The Freud - Klein Controversies outlines the heated discussions in which, from 1941 to 1945, opposed the fields of Viennese tradition and modernity "London" immigrants. "

legitimize André Green questioned the interpretation of material in which the sexual manifestly appears as a defense against anxiety or regression to archaic levels.
For him, the underlying reasons that led to prefer the object relations theories are essentially due to two factors. One is that analysts were influenced by the social upheaval of the sexual revolution (though not proved to have the depth that had been given starting from the past). This is because they took aim repressed sexuality and its aftermath unconscious and this added to the place of sex in contemporary theory was much lower than in the psychoanalysis of the '40s.
Will we have so little unclear what that referred to sex for more than a century later, we are all sure to know your place name in psychoanalysis and we prefer to return to his pre-psychoanalytic designation? Report

recessive movement toward sexuality within the psychoanalytic movement and calls to the urgency of understanding desexualization of psychoanalytic theory and practice, as all theoretical development ultimately aims to see if the Freudian sex is the concept from the psychic activity which is developed, based difference and relations between consciousness and unconsciousness. Report
also the impossibility of founding a theory of sexuality that ignores the biological dimension. The theory of sexuality serves to give a horizon that makes the order psychological edge and is a starting point for building a theorization more complex and must be supported both in the soma and the relationship with the other. This is not enough to define what is human sexuality, but it highlights the necessary preconditions.
The influence of Klein's ideas on the one hand and those of Hartmann, Kris and Lowenstein theorizing away from its anchorage in the sexual. The first shifted the focus of sexual impulses toward destructive impulses, the latter found it necessary to emphasize the focus on the self. Today comes to hold yet another vision of psychosis concerned to highlight the deficits of the self.

restriction of sexuality can be interpreted as a return to pre mode of thought - Freudian associated with genital sexuality. After the extension of Freud, has been a further reduction. One reason
least apparent that sexuality has been relegated to a secondary status in the cure, is the growing interest turned to patients with non-neurotic structures.
analysis to be prioritized increasingly early stages of development derived from the table where they were to reflect the origins with the stamp of primitive anxieties destructive tone. The transfer was to be the one of "necessity" of the maternal object, only capable of combining the ravages of destructiveness.
André Green writes in the introduction to "From Private Follies" on pg. 15 that "Lacan's proposition was that the universe of words created the universe of things, otherwise, that psychoanalysis could not be more than the analysis of said patient. Bouvet implicitly opted for the opposite thesis, namely that they are the object relations that govern the patient's speech. For Lacan, the unconscious was structured like a language. For Bouvet, consisted, as Freud indicated, for structured object representations in a manner different from that which governs language. However, it is clear that the theory of object relations is something different from the Freudian concept of object representations, the more As the theory Bouvet clearly diverged at that time what was generally understood by that expression, apart from Fairbairn and Melanie Klein. "

Slip the conception of object relations (Fairbain) to force refer to the object, translating the protest against what was perceived as an unacceptable hedonism: the theory of the libido.
Green's vision of the conception of sexuality in object relations is strong and wise. (P. 89, The Chains of Eros)
"It was necessary to come back to reason and morality surely save. Thereafter, the pursuit of pleasure will be replaced by the object.
What for? To ensure that the social human bond remains the essential aspiration, take comfort in the idea that dependence on adult supervision will remain the dominant target. This allows to relativize the idea of \u200b\u200buneducable of the sexual instincts, makes it possible to ensure the supremacy of love for others and, finally, allowed to be reconciled with the requirement of a domestication program for the common good community relations. None of this is proclaimed but evolve in this sense the theory of object relations. The program itself is made of good intentions. Psychoanalyst gives good conscience. Only one drawback: is totally illusory, contradicted by the facts, and without consistency. Relegate him to a rank subordinate sexual or blindness that is perceived as sexual only what failed to break the surface of consciousness are the surest way to leave intact the conflicts in which it participates and aggravate its most irreducible. This is derived in order that psychoanalysis promoted English. "

The object in the modern theory often served to get rid of the drive because it has an object stripped of its roots drive, or did you meet the strange role of bringing it to the place of the drive, with the correlative of a separate subject its soma. It follows from this that Sexuality is a vague concept, deprived of energy, which mixes in a mixed hybrid of subjectivity and the introjection of the object. According to the proposed theories about the self, the relationship of object, or built around the significant, pure or enigmatic, it becomes difficult to distinguish the goal that encourages the desire and subjective anchoring of this, which makes more problematic the relationship with pleasure. (P. 134)

In addition, Glover says Susan Isaacs comes to creating a new metapsychology which demonstrates the confusion between the concept of the psychic apparatus and the exposure of psychic mechanisms procedure in the child's mind. Ie Kleinian concepts confuse the mechanisms derived from instinctual pressure. Such is the case of fantasy.
What is the essence of this debate?
lies with the mechanisms that govern early childhood sexuality. At stake are two cases. The first is that all manifestations of sexuality must be reduced to their initial prototypes: namely, the oral tradition, or even the relationship with the breast. The second is that the primitive mechanisms of incorporation and introjection, characteristic of the oral, can be understood only through the mediation of the imagination. Thus came to hold that extension of the term fantasy among the disciples of Klein exceeds the significance for Freud. The Kleinian responds that Freud did the same with sexual relationship with his pre-Freudian sense. As the first of these assumptions, it is clear that fundamentally alters the theory of infantile sexuality, Freud, and the libidinal development, as final and irreversible referred to the oral tradition, but actually do not know a single stage of development: the first , while the others are but emanations surface to which hardly gives them the chance do not take to meet their quota of origin.

"It's amazing how much the Kleinian thought disdains nuance when it deals with psychic phenomena from the angle temporality "(p. 32)
reject the idea of \u200b\u200bprimary narcissism objectless, holding the existence of a recognition of reality and I emerging from the source.

Finally, introjection is a psychological mechanism itself, while the addition is an imaginary process that is accomplished through a body channel. For the Kleinian, according to Green, the body and psyche are two sides of the same organism. Do you come to defend a similar solidarity between destructiveness and libido?

The fantasy appears fully in the heart of the debate. Susan Isaacs equation raised the drive = fantasy, eliminating any gap between two and considering that the drive in action is nothing more than fantasy. Laplanche also enrolled in the hypothesis of the centrality of fantasy, repelling the drive to a biology that has nothing to do. Winnicott if you keep the link between fantasy and drive. Affection is a pending motion in a way.
The history of psychoanalysis will be carried tirelessly to raise the issue of the relationship between drive and fantasy.
fantasy Can there be no object?, Does the imagination gives birth to the drive? Or, drive activation process is a psychological fantasy genre?

excision becomes a basic mechanism of mental functioning. The cause of the split is seen variously as the conceptual framework applied. For Freud, the division that the issue here is an expression of the death drive, as opposed to the unifying action of Eros. For Melanie Klein is also the result of the operations of the death instinct but as it relates to the fear of annihilation and is directed toward the object. The death drive in Freud is a separate force that operates primarily in the inner, at the cellular level, without which power is perceived as destructive. In Klein's theory, what is involved is the affection and not the idea of \u200b\u200bdestruction. For Winnicott assumes that early destructive experiences can not be felt as such because of the immaturity of the ego, for lack of integration, they are more like a "unimaginable agony." Secondly, the attitude of the external environment is extremely important for the containment of these states disintegrated.

are witnessing also a profound change of meaning and functions vested in the penis.
From now on, if the penis remains an object of desire, is remodeling of orality, however. It becomes a substitute for the chest, designed to be incorporated as a body to any nutrient. It follows further that the roots of the superego and almost parted relation to castration anxiety, but with the introjection of a good or bad chest.
This means that they are no longer involved the effects of the failure:
- the lack of breast (hallucinatory wish fulfillment)
- the absence of the mother (the threat of object loss / grief)
- the lack of the penis ( castration anxiety)
We are in a totally full, inflated always good or bad objects.

anxiety also changes direction. Not to mention the castration that this conception is not subject to any distress. What is here is the relationship eliminates the anxiety and eroticism.
In fact, the English school includes the determination as a defense against anxiety. Gone is any reference to the pleasure. The eroticism is only a fragile shield against anxiety mostly born to fight against destructiveness. Thus, in sexual intercourse during their relationship with the penis, the woman owes its capacity to enjoy the mere fact of having previously loved, caressed his chest to be enjoyed.

"Always the same refrain: the fantasies of introjection and incorporation are essential for establishing a successful genitals." (P. 31-32) It seems that the Kleinian
never wanted to think about the symbolic significance, mythological, the Phallus, beliefs associated priority to food, fertility, fertility (of great significance in rituals of ancient civilizations). However, the phallus undoubtedly occupies a special place because of its reference to power, sovereignty, and the pleasure associated with adult sexuality.

As a result of all this is there a sacrifice of sexuality? Green says that if you attend the following years a gradual decline of the sexual in psychoanalysis. This is stated in "Envy and Gratitude," which emphasizes that the genitalia is subject to orality. Genitalization ejaculation can not be more than a flight from orality. Also criticized that there Kleinian a lack of time perspective of development because all refer to the chest.

In conclusion, denies or rejects the legitimacy of research that are based on the causality of the relationship with the other, because the assumption is sacrificed drive and thus the source of dynamism that underlies the relationship.

He ends by accusing the British of the community be denied: deny that the mother is a woman. Is that because of the Virgin Mary in the West? The truth is that the maternal image involved in mother - child relationship is completely desexualized. Despite the physical intimacy that brings the two parteniers. It is as if the mother had no erotic drives and if you search most repressed in the unconscious, it will expose the ambivalence or even hostility toward the child. But sexuality does not appear.
W. Bion gave new impetus to the orthodox Kleinian - if you can call it that, by the binding of Klein's work with that of Freud. Completely absorbed in the exploration of unconscious fantasies and anxieties primitive archaic structures within psychotic, Melanie Klein did not seem to fully warn that both had influenced some other thought processes.
was what Bion understood. (P. 21)

2. Narcissism and primary narcissism: Debate between Freud and Klein

To build a bridge to topic del narcisismo, me vuelvo a apoyar en un texto de André Green de “Las cadenas de Eros” (pag. 78) a manera de enlace entre la temática anterior y la comparación que hay que hacer entre las concepciones freudianas, kleinianas y de otros autores para comprender las diferentes propuestas teóricas en relación al narcisismo en general, y al tema del narcisismo primario en particular, además de darle un sentido a la acusación a los ingleses de rebasar sin comprender el narcisismo desde Freud.

“El renacimiento del interés por el narcisismo, después de que este había sido eclipsado por la perspectiva de las relaciones de objeto, atestigua que es difícil llevar adelante la investigación in this sense without making you feel the need for a complementary perspective. Any serious discussion of the problem must address the issue of primary narcissism. Its total Balint rebuttal in favor of primary love, did not prevent other authors defend their autonomy. Rosenfeld seconded the death instinct, but subject to object relations. The uncertainty in this area probably dates back to Freud, who after having introduced the theory of narcissism, quickly lost interest in him to overturn the death drive, for which we know the misgivings aroused among analysts. The Kleinian school, kept my mind confusion to the extent that he assimilated the death instinct to aggression originally projected onto the object, that is, even if it is an internal object, in a centrifugal direction. "

Jean Laplanche on" New foundations for psychoanalysis "( pags. 74 to 83) explains the confusion in Freud's work and later on the idea the state "objectless."

"At the time when Freud dropped the term" primary narcissism of the child ", let us clearly understand that the only issue narcissism" His Majesty the Baby "is the narcissism of the parents, who plan on this his own love child yes. "

This implies, of course, that originally there is a narcissistic stage in the child as revealed later, but objectless stage.

inherited What, then, Freud? A genealogy can be traced as well, and then will be complex: auto-eroticism, narcissism, object choice.
is a genealogy - chronological succession is a genealogy is clearly one after another, as there are three positions. Now we see that narcissism, in this genealogy, it is the beginning. By contrast, narcissism is well "framed" because it has the erotic on both sides: it has auto-eroticism and object choice before then and we know that for Freud it can not be anything other than the choice of love object.

autoerotic means that there is satisfaction in situ, in this or that body part, in the very place where the excitation occurs: organ pleasure. It is a pleasure not unified, fragmented, which does not refer to other organs, where it runs born. Moreover, as indicated by the prefix auto, auto-eroticism is no external object. Finally, autoerotic activity can not be defined without mentioning the ghost, and even the fantasy object, which is not entirely the same. Bear witness this by the fact that all of a behavior called autoerotic analyzing the analyst continues to seek and find the ghost behind: no masturbation without fantasy and interest of masturbation by the analyst is the ghost. But this is not the case only for adult: this dimension of fantasy representation, therefore memory is postulated from the oral prototype of auto-eroticism. Freud in Three Essays: "It is also clear that the action of the child who licks is determined by the search for pleasure and now living and remembering."

narcissism note before he was surrounded by a sequence: Auto-eroticism, narcissism, object choice. Does this amount to saying that would be the first auto-eroticism, namely in the development of the individual? This is not the case: Freud "At the time that sexual satisfaction was linked to nutrition, sexual drive was the object outside the body: the breast. This object was subsequently lost ... the sexual instinct became, thereafter autoerotic, and only after having overcome the latency period, the original relationship was restored ... find the sexual object, in short, is nothing more that we find. "

What matters here is that the auto-eroticism is by no means first, that happens another thing at the time, although the first stage is independent of sexuality is not the beginning of the relationship with the world, it marks what we call the time "auto", which involves a devolution of the relationship with the world.

words, the first object is an external object is lost and autoeroticism appears in a second time. In this sense Freud Klein follows.
In autoeroticism, the object is already lost and it is this loss, failure, the engine of psychic development for Freud, as we shall see, this engine Klein has a profoundly different meaning.

With the introduction of Kleinian theory to understand the workings of the mind from the perspective of object relations, change the approach to the development of the psyche as it had provided Freud, who in Mourning and Melancholia (1915) makes the first description of an internal object relationship and the mechanisms introjection and projection.
For Klein, the subject and their minds are immersed in a world of links and relationships stained by a range of human deep emotions present at birth.
In an article entitled "Some Clinical Implications of Melanie Klein's work", 1983, Hanna Segal summarizes only two mentions of narcissism as such in the Kleinian work, a of them is in "Notes on some schizoid mechanisms" of 1946 and "Origins of the transfer" of 1952.
The first of these states makes the difference between narcissism, narcissistic object relations and narcissistic structure, based on the continuation of Freud's work on the choice of subject, drawing the basic mechanism of projective identification as both narcissistic object relations, as in narcissistic structure, linking the state with a "retreat into an idealized internal object," meaning that there is always an internal object in Kleinian theory.

Laplanche explains the progression of autoerotic narcissism. How
narcissism is characterized by the relationship to this first time retroversion? More explicit in the texts of Freud, he defines it as a unification of auto-eroticism (for excellence dispersed) in a single object, but an object that is itself "self", an object that is always internal, "reflected". This object - a reflection, is jointly own body, or even some of my own body unified image. Freud: "What is the relation of the narcissism now treated with auto-eroticism we have described as a state of the libido in the beginning (state of the libido in the beginning does not mean the individual state in the beginning)? It must be admitted that there from the beginning, in the individual unit comparable to the self, the self is experiencing a development. But autoerotic drives are the birthright and therefore something new psychic action has to be added to auto-eroticism that narcissism is incorporated.
Since the birth of narcissism is absolutely correlated to the birth of the ego is not individual but the entire sexual life, sexual object, and sexual drive. The sexual life stands on the merits of a life or a sexual relationship that pre no: the life of need, which will separate.

notions of time shoring and "auto" mean that sexual life is not there from the beginning or to be more clear: the beginning not be confused with the beginning of social life.
This is a conception of sexual life that comes as a graft or as an emergency on the social life.

autoeroticism unifies When it becomes narcissism, but in relation to an internal object.

For Kleinian thought, no primary narcissism, or a stage as described objectless Freud. There is also a variation on the idea of \u200b\u200border as presented by one and by another author. For Freud the object is the goal of the drive, while for Klein is a relationship complex object-ranging from the beginning emotions, defenses, fantasies and anxieties, as well as being structuring itself. Kleinian object relations modulate psychic development with the deployment of basic emotions and their attendant fantasies.

"object relations exist from the beginning of life, the first object the mother's breast, which is split into a good breast (gratifying) and bad breast (frustrating), leading the division to a separation between love and hate. Also suggested that the relationship with the first object implies its introjection and projection, and thus from the outset, the object relations are shaped by the interaction between introjection and projection, between objects and internal and external situations. These processes are involved in the construction of the ego and superego, and pave the way for the advent of the Oedipus complex in the second half of the first year "(Klein, 1946, page 11).
Auto-eroticism and narcissism Freud
not define fundamental modes relationship with the world in general, but modes of sexual performance and pleasure. The sequence of two-time sexual satisfaction linked to the need, retroversion in the autoerotic-renewing countless times. But nothing obliges microsequences imagine that these be continued in a third stage would provide its crown the Triad shoring autoeroticism, narcissism. Primary narcissism, in its very essence of unification, to consolidation, is more amenable to structural changes at times.

later development in Freudian theory, primary narcissism is to be raised as the first stage of the human being and no longer distinguish it from auto-eroticism: the sequence autoeroticism - narcissism will vanish from the Freudian working: auto-eroticism is defined as stage so narcissistic satisfaction. Lost primary narcissism so his character speculate regarding an internal object, to become almost synonymous state "objectless."

From this point, the paths are split between Freud and Klein.

If a subject, confounded all your drives, you could say, is initially closed and then having to open, how could I? It speaks of the "frustration" that would teach the little human being to live, but in reality that frustration Versagung is an act of rejection from an adult human being, a "refuse."
is what Freud in the "Project" then called "experience of satisfaction" and that it presupposes precisely the original opening to the world for satisfaction. After we are told, in the absence of use, the object will be amazed. What Freud described was thus a kind of emergence, genesis of sexuality. (Laplanche)

for Klein
This absence becomes a source of envy, on the one hand, and the other on a charge of aggression towards a partial internal object becomes persecutory.
In the earliest stages of life, the subject is related to a partial order and not complete, but is related to an object. Object ties are always set.
Narcissism is then defined from patterns of relationship that is based on the prevailing anxieties on the subject, whether partial or total object, internal or external, and is the bond of persecutory or depressive character. Anxiety (launched by the death instinct, felt as fear of annihilation ") is a structural element while there since the beginning of life as a fundamental engine that sets off the psychic development. Its most important quality depends on being linked to an object which becomes an object of persecution. This threat and the constant struggle of two passions (life and death) in mind, is what drives human beings to relate to external objects (chest). Here is the motor Kleinian psychic development.

When the object-chest divided into good and bad, both objects are products projection is of a persecutory or nutritional aspect. Both qualities of the object is introjected by the subject. It is in your mind where the persecution (can be derived from the idealization), or welfare. Thus giving rise to a world full of external objects but bathed in the subjective quality of nature itself.
introjected objects relate to each other and with the various mental-ego, superego, and of which depends on its relationship with the outside world.
Idealization meets the need of enhancing the good breast, against the attack which came under the fury of the individual frustrated at not being loved or cared
At the same time, the idealization Object-chest leads mainly a supply of envy. Hanna Segal (1983) was understood that the work of Klein narcissism is a defense against envy. This feeling arises when the subject realizes that the source of life and goodness is in the external object, causing anger and frustration at not being able to control the source of envy. Narcissism emerged as a way to nullify the difference between subject and object, a provider of all good, to feel that all this comes from himself and thus feel no need for the object.
narcissism involves the link between the subject and an idealized internal object.

Segal (1983) speaks of a retreat to the inner object as a result of projective identification, where counterfeiting is the way and the confusion with the object, the result, which causes the subject feel as the object itself, as this experience of identity depends on the experience of being in and form a single entity with the idealized object.

"Any disturbance in the distribution of narcissistic libido is in turn linked to the relationship with the introjected objects, which from the beginning, become part of the self. The interaction between narcissistic libido and object libido thus corresponds to the interaction between the relationship with the introjected and external objects. " (Klein, 1946, pg. 27)

should be remembered that this quality hiperbondadosa the object carries its counterpart becomes persecutory projecting outward, causing the feeling that everything bad is out and that he is and has all good.

The narcissism, the ego is identified with the idealized internal object, or at least partially, since it is split and projected outward. It is this quality dissociated ego that made him unstable narcissistic structure itself, since it is not safe from the persecution of those who were expelled to the outside world.

Another important concept that clarifies the Kleinian conception of narcissism is related to the difference between the self and object.
Freud said that in the earliest stages, the infant does not distinguish the external world (object) itself. Instead Klein stated that this body, which is the self, is able to meet so many functions to deal with interpersonal from the beginning of life, because it responds to a capacity of differentiation between self and world objects external.

narcissist in the state has carried out an identification by introjection resulting in the subject to be confused with the idealized internal object, and that through projective identification placed in the external object as decoupled.
There is still a predominant factor also depends on the whole deployment of narcissism, if not, to date this could be confused with the ego ideal. The ego ideal is also formed as a result of identifications with partial internal idealized object, then what is the difference with the narcissistic relationship?
depends on the stage (position) that is the subject, since the only opportunity to actually have a link where the other is recognized as such from the emotional movements of the depressive position, wherein possible to recognize at once a feeling of love, gratitude and dependence on parents along with the helplessness of the ego and jealousy breeds that we do not fully belong.

The conception of external reality completely changed thanks to the ego capacity to be interested in its objects. To the extent that the individual develops the capacity to love, care and repair to their objects is far from narcissistic to protect their interests.

The ego ideal, involves precisely the identification of a part of ourselves with a partial object has been introjected idealized in the details of the depressive position. In contrast, the product of a narcissistic relationship with an object identification part idealized conditions is governed by the schizoid - paranoid in their quality of link.
So the difference is the nature of the link.

Core the ego ideal is based on recognizing the object as the bearer of good situations, however, the narcissistic organization lies in denying this dependence in order to feel this way that the subject has all the good, you do not need anything external, and and deal with separation anxiety and frustration that leads to your chest. The basic mechanism of narcissistic object relations is projective identification because you get to identify the object to aspects of self, to the extent that the attributes of the object are obscured. The excessive use of projective identification, there is a risk of being trapped in a world made up of projected aspects of himself. The deep denial and projection lead to a weakening of the ego, which becomes increasingly less able to cope with anxiety, which leads to further fragmentation and projections. Hence, people have a narcissistic inability to see objects as they really are, since they are prisoners of two mental activities in their relationships, is the need to idealize or denigrate.
Hence, a type of bond in the predominantly narcissistic quality, is a form of aggression in order.

This completely changes the concept of narcissism that Freud stipulated and now subscribes to a theory of object relations and is subject to its mechanisms and vicissitudes. Write

M. Klein in The Origins of the transfer (1952): "The auto-eroticism and narcissism include the love for and relationship with the internalized good object, in fantasy, is part of the body's own beloved and himself. It is to this internalized object in auto-erotic gratification and narcissistic states, the withdrawal occurs. "

One of the more vigorous reaction against the theory of primary narcissism was undoubtedly that of Balint in a 1937 article "The early stages of ego development. Primary love object (in Laplanche, 1989) at its critical primary sweep objectless definitely love. But then, no Balint beyond the general movement to the extent that primary narcissism that substitutes for a term of love (object) primary, which introduces, from the beginning of the sexual hegemony. "Love or erotic? However, there are more disadvantages than advantages in introducing the term of love here, ie from the beginning, to the extent that any psychoanalytic research shows that love is not just a relationship with the other in the attachment, but consideration the other in total, as Freud puts it, you can not say that a love instinct. So
backprojection Balint makes love on the first subject - the new threat environment make us overlook that Eros has a separate and independent origin, a guiding step of which is the aggregation narcissistic. Green concludes

Finally, in "Chains of Eros":
What about Kleinian?
These slide in Freudian thought until they pop from the inside, slowly inject their problems in Freudian terminology, so long a period of primary narcissism continue to be preserved. What they describe in this table is a type of object relationship, which is in contradiction happy with the notion of absolute narcissism. Developments in psychoanalysis is the rising a la luz la concepción kleiniana del narcisismo, con una crítica al menos implícita, de la noción de una clausura monádica. He aquí una formulación extraída de un artículo de Paula Heimann “… en el estado narcisista, el objeto exterior es odiado y expulsado de manera que se pueda amar al objeto interno que está fusionado con el yo y extraer de ello placer”. El estado narcisista implica aquí el investimento de un objeto, de una cosa interna en sí, fusionada con el yo. Además, este estado narcisista es totalmente compatible con la apertura al mundo y al objeto externo desde el comienzo, aún cuando más no fuera para odiarlo y rechazarlo. Así, para Joan Riviere, en la introducción the same volume: "From our point of view, the narcissistic or autoerotic phase covers the object relationship and coexists with it, largely under introjective processes operating in this stadium." Find the same positions against the state monadic in Melanie Klein's article "Observing the behavior of the baby."

To conclude on this point: the Kleinian outlines a perspective that comes off the tale of a narcissistic state originating in the humans, the only benefit of sustainable concept of narcissism, which is linked to an introjection understand the whole object. But on the other hand, a bit like Balint, folding threat again because all development is placed under the explicit sign of the pair and only love - hate, without saying a word about self-preservation. 

3. The concept of object and fantasy in the work of Klein: Baranger

"The anxiety belonging to a person faces a situation of internal object - external.
involves its archaic situations, their inner world, their instincts and, above all, expresses the death instinct. Always has a content: all anguish is anguish in front of a subconscious thing to be done or will do. What is done behind the story, involving who does and who could define fantasy unconscious. "In the Object Position and M. BOUT Klein (Baranger, pag. 102)

here are summarized the ideas expressed by Willy Baranger a compilation of texts "Contributions to the object concept in psychoanalysis, where the differences among the Freudian concept of the subject, and Kleinian object seeks to deepen the idea of \u200b\u200bunconscious fantasy to make sense of these differences.
writes on pg. 46:

If it is true that there are in the works of Freud different concepts of object, if there is considerable distance between the object of the drive as read in the "Three Essays" and the object as presented in "Mourning and Melancholia, "the Kleinian concept of object originates, no doubt, from this second line of thought of Freud. Presumably
Klein would never have picked up on his own Freud's assertion that the object is inessential aspect of the drive (it can be easily replaced by another). The passage from Freud to Melanie Klein is first manifested in a change of emphasis: it shifts from drive to object. Another point us to perceive this difference, Freud never fully adopted the concept of introjection.
the contrary, for Klein the object is inseparable from the operations performed in connection with it (first of all, splitting, projection and introjection). Probably Freud's reluctance to use the concept of introjection came from which warned the changes would have required that such use in his theoretical structure on the drive.

For Melanie Klein, the object is rooted in unconscious fantasy system prior to the experience: it is the very stuff of the inner world. Is defined by the dynamics governing its operations (division or splitting, introjection, projective identification, etc..) Is in constant exchange with the subject, and in any case belongs to the order of representation.


The Kleinian concept of object oscillates between two poles extremes: the concept of an object as psychic structure underlying the structuring of organized bodies (I and superego), and the concept of an object with, even if it is a partial view of the characteristics of an almost -person.

When M. Klein speaks of the object we can distinguish a metapsychological use and descriptive use of the concept, a difference that is not present, without exception, as sharp. This ambiguity has a positive aspect: it allows a richer and plasticity in the understanding of clinical phenomena, but brings with it, as the negative, a number of theoretical difficulties. Although
M. Klein is careful to never use term "structure endopsychic" when describing the inner object functions ascribed all the characteristics of a structure. The inner object is presented as something that underlies a multiplicity of representations and affective states conditions. There never appears directly, without mediation, but through images, concepts, memories, anxieties and desires that range to infinity.

The internalized good object has a foundational place in the constitution of the self. It is a source of gratification and reassurance, to tolerate frustration or delayed gratification imposed by reality, appeases persecutory and depressive anxieties, allows the subject to use and develop their own capabilities. In this sense, structure and structuring.
course, the fact of their introjection, involves an instance introyectante within the subject, ie, another "core" of crude I no longer object-origin, but considered as a unit. The way these two nuclei - functional and object - the self come to be combined into a single structure raises the same problem of duality of the self in Freudian metapsychology (I versus I function representation).

Kleinian vision of the structure formation of the superego from the introjected object, escapes this difficulty. The superego approach is made up of two core object, extremely contradictory at first, but similar in nature objectal: breast and chest idealized tracker. Persecuting object, the superego retains cruelty, danger, sometedora omnipotence. The idealized object that contributed to its constitution, it inherits their greatness, their right to punish or reward their power to dictate what is right and what is wrong. Source duality realizes violently contradictory nature and their relative fragility: the regressive states tend to break its unity, its constituent parts in restoring its original appearance, a persecutor and ideal.
can say, having those objects that populate the id and the superego, that the object as endopsychic structure is the key concept in Kleinian metapsychology.

However, a glance at the source of conception Kleinian object invites us to qualify this statement. The immediate predecessor of the concept of object is the concept of "imago". Imago means an unconscious representation, archaic, archetypal with a certain connotation, it is not at all a endopsychic structure, but also universal figures, mythical.
The object appears to M. Klein, at the point of intersection of a multiplicity of unconscious fantasies, which in themselves are part prior to any experience with the outside world.

Unconscious fantasy appears as "mental expression of instinct," that is as essential mediation between the level of biological and psychic life.
Unconscious fantasy always involves a body size of both the body's own subject and object body. At first both bodies are almost indistinguishable from each other: chest chase one of its variants, bites or empty as the infant's mouth. Therefore, the object involved in the network of fantasies is also looking at the source body, which can subsequently lose a cleavage process to become more abstract.
Even more archaic levels, objects and living a life in a way similar to the subject's life: we are likely to believe that objects which seem endowed with independent living, there are but puppets moved by the activity the subject, but it is not. Here not only the puppeteer moves the puppet but is moved by it.

The subject and its objects, the "citizens of the inner world, living a life mutual. We know the processes that account for this reciprocity in the life of the subjects and objects, and the dialectic of evolution: they are the splitting and projective identification and introjective, first and foremost. It is this dialectic given in the common life spontaneously or artificially in the analytical process, which allows gradual and corresponding modification of the subject and its objects.
In particular, the objects, the ceaseless exchange processes with the subject, they acquire a kind of existence necessarily anthropomorphic, and Baranger calls "almost - person." It

discriminating, therefore, Kleinian descriptions, two extreme content of the concept of object. At one extreme, in some texts on the constitution of the psychic agencies, M. Klein is coming to a concept of the object as Fairbairn endopsychic structure. At the other end, and in particular in all clinical descriptions, the inner object is considered as a quasi - person, subject to conditions, feelings, activities, on par with any subject.

The main difficulties of the Kleinian concept of the object are: chronological priority and prominence attributed to breast decisive with respect to any object-series, on the one hand, and, on the other, the difficulty to account for the constitution of an object from a total sum of partial objects. Both of these difficulties stem from the application of genetic approaches to the theory of object, and disappear if you give up such an application.

From an epistemological, attributing the chest a priority and consider it as the prototype of every object presents a serious challenge: to admit that what governs psychic development, and what ultimately determines what happens in an analytical process is beyond the scope of direct psychoanalytic observation (is that this is the mediation of language).
In a less abstract level of theorizing, the priority of the chest leads to other important consequences. Carries with it the temptation to overestimate the oral record from other records instinctual, to consider the oral fantasies as the ultimate determinants of equals "deep" with oral. While the study of oral fantasies has been a very valuable contribution of M. Klein, who developed signs of Freud in this respect, an overestimation of the mouth may cause us to lose in one place what we make in other to generate certain instinctual neglect of other records.
An additional difficulty Kleinian conception of the object refers to the process by which the total and complete object is built from partial objects. Note that this integration process has two distinct aspects: one is the process of reducing the cleavage between the good object and bad object, or between the idealized object and the object tracker and the other, the process by which the subject, from his relationship with a partial order (ie, part of the human body), comes to a relationship of love, hate, and ambivalence to a person considered as a whole.

The possibility of reducing the partial cleavage between objects implies a greater integration of the same subject, and in turn facilitates this integration. With the infantile depressive position is given the progress in the integration and at the same time, progress in perception, which allows the other person - the mother at all - is seen and perceived as a whole. With the birth of Oedipus early, strongly articulated with the infantile depressive position, there is a principle of triangulation: the mother exists not only as a whole person, but there also for others.
One might think then, that the mother is as an extension of the chest as the perception can grasp more complex sets.

If we then, that there is another use of the concept of object, and if the object in this second sense should be regarded as a quasi - insider, even as a partial object, the problem is knowing how to construct the object from a total sum or integration of part objects, and you have to raise this problem as well in reverse. It is then, to know how the internalized part object can be stored for subject the characteristics of another subject.
This process is much more intangible, since it does not bring out a cake of a sum of individual items, but simply to understand how a subject can be fragmented into a multiplicity of subjects eventually represented by body parts.

The concept of object is inseparable from the concept of position, which accounts for the dynamics of trade between subject and object, and reciprocal determinism of their performance. Such exchanges involve a degree of uniformity between subject and object, ie a status of almost - person for the purpose.

The concept of object, becomes an aspect of a concept more comprehensive, the position. The position is presented as a constellation of interrelated phenomena: the dominant type of anxiety, the defenses used to dominate the instincts in play, the characteristics of the objects involved, the state of the bodies, feelings, thoughts and make the subject moving a whole in which no factor can be considered independently of all others.

The passages from one position to another and the oscillations between the two are accompanied by changes and transformations of internalized objects. The study of the modification of objects in the analytic process is probably one of most fruitful contributions of Klein and more easily replaced by any other formulation to try avoiding the concept of internalized object. Phenomena such as changing the location of an object, passing the external world (a persecutor by name, for example) the inner world (like "something" that interferes thoughts) and then becomes a brain tumor fantasized - vicissitudes those that correspond to a change in the psychopathology of the subject.

The passage from paranoid-schizoid position to the depressive position, and the reverse passage are those that are most instructive in terms of structure and function of the object and changes correlative of the subject.

The right to think about merging two object structures is given to us by the disappearance of the oscillations observed between states ruled by persecutory anxiety and the bad object, and other states in which the subject feels protected omnipotently the idealized figure of both the risk-free as evil itself.


object theory is one of Klein's major contributions to psychoanalysis. Allowed him to discover a variety of introjected objects found in the analytic experience.

Among the multiplicity of "citizens of the inner world," highlights a particular object which gives prototypical features, and whose fortunes will determine the quality of the entire object-series: inner chest.

Chest integrates inner fantasies that have nothing to do with his physical existence: it can be duplicated (in good and bad, persecuting and idealized), fragmented into tiny plots, empty or dry, fill with poisonous or explosive substances, providing persecutory characteristics, etc. The dialectic of exchanges between the subject and the object is fully functioning at the most archaic and most part of objects: the chest suffering, or is happy, or refuses to reward or comfort. The status of most - person applies with all its breadth, according to M. Klein, in this first part object. For

M. Klein chest is not just a natural object, or mental representation of a natural object, or a congenital heart of a constellation of fantasies, or a guiding principle in psychic development, or endopsychic structure, but contains some each of these categories.

The fifth object

Klein admits, with tetralogy of primitive objects (chest good and bad, persecutory and idealized), a "fifth object," which is "presence of the mother" to account for a series of observable behaviors in the infant, prior to the establishment of complete and total order, and different from the constellation of links to the chest.
The initial link with the mother, other than the link with breast, is to correct the idea that the whole relationship with the mother is established as an extension of the relationship with his chest, and according to the progressive passage of partial object the whole object: at least a portion of the link with the whole object appears to originate in the primitive relation with the "presence" the mother's body.

it is apparent that the "fifth object" can not be located or in part objects, since this is not a body part, or within the whole objects, as they are not necessarily characterized as ambivalent.
The "fifth object" appears as a corrective in one respect: the origin of all partial objects is clearly fantasy and the world of internal objects is governed by the laws of their own combinations, at first almost independent of the behavior objects in the real world. Access to reality is gradual, the result of a staged process of change, due in particular to the distribution of anxiety, the use of symbolic equations that multiply the objects of discrimination, the acquisition of the capacity to symbolize and integrative processes .
the contrary, the "fifth object "has immediate reference to reality: for him, the passage of domestic mayhem to a relatively integrated and coherent universe is not required and, conversely, we can assume that this passage supports the other objects. To some extent, is to mitigate the pre - eminence absolute chest.


The status of most - person for the object implies a certain substantiality, correlative to the subject. The rationale to support this kind of substantiality is in the clinical observation of the object changes, and the processes of unification or splitting that characterized the transition from one position to another.

All Kleinian theory the object - and subject - is based on the study of the processes of cleavage. Is the point at which most decidedly Klein departs from Freud. While for Freud the analytical process is basically lifting repressions, Klein is basically to reduce cleavages (splitting).
The most important defensive process Freud, most basic understanding of the transference neurosis, is undoubtedly the repression, as constitutive of the unconscious process.

Both Freud and Lacan and Klein supported the basic character of cleavage. For Freud, repression cleaves primary psychic whole region forever irrecoverable, and the subject by the very fact of being, have, an unconscious is radically divided himself. For Lacan the subject, represented by a S crossed, constitutes a radical otherness that makes it alien to himself, laying off, condemned to an endless search of One unattainable. For M. Klein, too, the subject in each of its stages can only rely permanently cleavage itself and the concomitant cleavage of the objects.

is as unthinkable for Freud to Lacan or Klein could be a unified subject. There is no unconscious subject, no subject without anguish, without death there is no subject. There is no subject reunited.
But Klein's originality lies in the description of multiple modalities of this cleavage, and at this point seems to go further than Freud and Lacan. Each state has its private firms psychopathological cleavage, caused by specific anxieties and fantasies. Each form of object-cleavage by a form of cleavage in the subject, and a different mode of exchange between subject and object.

One thing is a subject essentially hollow, instead of mirrors and mirror reflections, taken within the network of signifiers, another thing is a subject object world inhabited by an almost - people in continuous exchange.

do not think it possible or fruitful for the clinic, leaving the idea of \u200b\u200bcertain substantiality of the object, as given in Kleinian conception. Substantiality mean by all that makes the object reduced to a representation or a set of representations, all the activity of the object in relation to the subject. The touchstone of the nature of the object is, of course in analytic work. We think this is done together on the subject and object, and not just on the subject.

   

Brief Discussion Final

Melanie Klein never specifically addressed the issue of the relationship of unconscious fantasy and object. A lack of systematic
yours on this issue, we should refer to two papers theory: one is the classic work of Susan Isaacs "The nature and function of phantasy" of 1952 and on the other hand, Chapter 1 of the work of Hanna Segal, "Introduction to the work of Melanie Klein." Baranger

shows the theoretical slip seen in the article by S. Isaacs between a starting point where unconscious fantasy was defined as "mental expression of instinct (drive) and a point of arrival, where unconscious fantasy was the center of psychic life.
writes in "Position and Purpose in the work of M. Klein "(p. 103):" ... if we all instinctive is given in an unconscious fantasy, if all defensive mechanism is the crystallization of an unconscious fantasy, if unconscious fantasies are the basis of the structuring of the ego and the superego, the unconscious fantasy is really the center of psychic life. In the letter H. Segal arrives, however, quite different conclusions: "According to M. Klein fantasy metal is the expression of the instincts and therefore as they exist from the beginning of life. By definition the instincts are seekers of objects. In the mental apparatus instinct is experienced as connected with the fantasy of a suitable object to it. Thus, for each instinctive there is a corresponding fantasy "(p. 32). But H. Segal then admits that "creating fantasies is an ego function. The concept of fantasy as a mental expression of instincts I suppose via the higher degree of organization of the self from which Freud postulated. It assumes that from birth the self is able to establish - and indeed the anxiety instincts and drive him to create - primitive object relations in fantasy and reality. " (P.33).

The contradiction between Segal and Isaacs falls on the passivity or activity of unconscious fantasy. For S. Isaacs, unconscious fantasy activity inherits all the polymorphous instincts, and is active in the constitution of the self. H. Segal, on the second date, unconscious fantasy is ultimately the product of an activity I, who imposes his "mediation" form the raw material provided by the instincts.

The concept of unconscious fantasy must meet the requirement of translating the conceptual level hardly compatible with each other aspects of the experience itself. The difficulty comes from the ubiquity of unconscious fantasy in Kleinian technique. What is sought in a session is an unconscious fantasy. What we are looking behind every piece of session, every symptom, every defense, every character trait is an unconscious fantasy. If, therefore, one is guided by the art, the unconscious fantasy is everywhere. Thus there are two temptations or fantasy is seen as an expression of instinct, which helps to understand the nature of the living body of each primitive unconscious fantasy, or fantasy is the product of a self, one capable of forming, to experience, to modify, if necessary to repress it.

Which brings us to the problem node. If the unconscious fantasies behind every observable phenomenon is that it is preexisting and then refer to the instincts and body.

The concept of centralized position around the shapes of trouble, should allow us to adapt our descriptions of the experience situational, shifting dialectic, where subject, fantasy, object, defined in relation to each other. Thus avoid two equally erroneous interpretations of Kleinian thought: the reification of structure or instinct.

currently can not be granted to any structural priority unconscious fantasy relative to object. Fantasy and object are given in the same experience. Prejudice comes from a differentiation between subject and object of fantasy and psychic structure. (P. 108, in position and object ...)

    

there in the work of Klein continued overlap between the breast as a natural object, or internal representation, and chest as libidinal object, or libidinal - Thanatos. This is because the opposition described by Freud between libidinal drives and impulses of self. What interests M. Klein is the most radical opposition between the life instinct and death instinct, and between the fantasies for each one of them. Therefore tends to overlook the difference between the role of breast feeding and libido function.

will have to understand the basis for thinking, as does Green, in the world of "objetología fantastic" Klein there's no room for, say, lack, and that is that a world populated always good and bad objects. The location of failure as a structuring factor, is an indispensable idea and can not be ignored in the construction even mental space.

criticism A. Green over all its texts is that the object relations theory places the object in the place of the drive and, according to the complaint against S. Glover ago Isaacs, confuse the concepts with mechanisms derived from instinctual pressure. Refer here specifically, the idea of \u200b\u200bfantasy. Green

as Freud, puts the drive the object and instinctual sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure which launches the psychic apparatus. With the Kleinian concept of position, Baranger clear that we are talking about two concepts that are inseparable and that neither can precede the other, but each is built according to the other and its emergence into the world "outside."


Baranger W., et al. Contributions to the concept of objectivity in psychoanalysis. Amorrortu Editores, Buenos Aires, 1980.

Baranger, W. Object position and the work of Melanie Klein. Kargieman editions, Buenos Aires, 1971.

Green, A. Chains of Eros. Amorrortu Editors. Buenos Aires, 1998.

Green, A. Private Madness. Amorrortu Editors. Buenos Aires, 1994.

Klein, M. The origins of transfer (1952) In Collected Works. Volume 3: Envy and Gratitude. Polity Press. Mexico

Klein, M. Notes on some schizoid mechanisms. (1946) In Collected Works. Volume 3: Envy and Gratitude. Polity Press. Mexico

Laplanche, J. New Foundations for Psychoanalysis. Amorrortu Editors. Buenos Aires, 19

Segal, H. (1983) "Some Clinical Implications of Melanie Klein's work - Emergence from narcissism", International Journal of Psycho-Analysis,
64: 269

Transference In Lymphoma

Sincerity and Other Works. Collected Papers
by Donald Meltzer

E s difficult to do justice to a book of this magnitude, in size and depth of nearly 600 pages long, compiled 34 articles written during the last 40.
Some of these are very short texts, while others could be a book in themselves. This is especially true for "Sincerity" text which takes its name from the library: written in 1971, has more than a hundred pages and no fewer than 33 texts written before and after that year, between 1955 and 1989, which are built around him.
The entire work reveals in turn, some of the profound changes in thinking Meltzer over all these years of work and analytical thinking.

In an attempt to trace the evolution of analytical thinking of the author, we can define a first phase of his work as essentially clinical, with a particularly intensive activity in the area of \u200b\u200bchild analysis and composition analysis of various adult items published in the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis.
This first period of play ends with the Psychoanalytic Process (1967), which describes the stages of child development in a way completely different from the classical form of 'stages' of evolution. 'Sincerity' contains the essential clinical material and the reflections on which these ideas were originally based.

For starters, the writing of 'Kleinian Child Psychiatry summarized in 55 pages classes and seminars given by Meltzer with Esther Bick in 1960 at the Tavistock Clinic, with the cooperation of John Bremner, Edna O'Shaughnessy, Dina Rosenbluth, and Frances Tustin. Also displayed some clinical studies of adult patients described with a wealth of detail and rigorously tested in Kleinian terms. Many of these writings illustrate with unusual depth aspects of analytical work that could be achieved in Kleinian analysis at that time.
While clinical descriptions made following the latest theories of Melanie Klein, particularly the concept of envy, and ideas about Rosenfeld's confusion, their descriptions are heavily stamped his own genius, show an interest and special insight regarding the specific characteristics of early relationships between mother and baby, and its importance to the rest of life, including sexual development.
These announce a second term in Meltzer's work in which he embarks on a more personal aspect of his research, concluded in Sexual States of Mind (1973). This brilliant review of psychoanalytic theory of sexuality, also marks the origins of the influence of personality and the thought of Bion in Meltzer, giving a framework for research and reflection was much more innovative than it seemed at first. This is because Bion appears in the wake left by Klein and particularly guided by the theoretical tools of the depressive position, the paranoid-schizoid, and projective identification. However, in describing the aspect of "normal" projective identification and to show is that at the root of the formation of the thought process, Bion created a revolution in psychoanalytic thought.

What he did, in fact, was re-introduced the role of the object and the external reality within the analytic theory, which seemed to have disappeared once all after Freud abandoned the seduction theory. But a long way still needs to be traveled before reaching that point and Meltzer successive contributions reflect particularly well certain aspects of this development, which is more common in most analytical schools.
States of Mind Sexual aspects distinguishes the 'adults' of psychic structure, based on the use of introjective identification, aspects of 'child', which have remained under the control of the mechanism of projective identification.
On the other hand, the book offers a new conception of perversions, based on 'negativity' as destructive and envious attitude toward sexuality and creative good parents (his conception of negativism suffers after some changes after the theoretical development in relation to autism).
The Meltzer hundred pages devoted in 1971 to establish the notion of "sincerity" in psychoanalysis are a reflection of his views at that time, and at the same time define the conditions for a newest and most revolutionary aspects of his work concepts such as objects and the aesthetic conflict or the 'Claustrum'. The hundreds of pages are in fact a distillation work and the work of Meltzer.

The author uses three plays of Harold Pinter - The Dwarfs, The Birthday Party and The Homecoming "and makes a commentary analyzing them with an inimitable analytical virtuosity, such as that used to analyze and think dream material. This text reveals the author's gifts as a writer and the deep bond that keeps his work with those of novelists, philosophers and moralists, and proclaim a 'methodological superiority' of psychoanalysis on the arts, theology or philosophy. His statement that the so-called superiority of the analytical method 'is in the discovery of truth' to any price 'must be taken with great care: "Analyst and patient alike must-determined to spare normal Themselves Neither One Another in this pursuit" (Sincerity, pp. 194-5). This would make very little gravity and excessive psicopatogenia of psychological distress, which, as appears more and more in his theoretical reflections.

Through the concept of 'sincerity', original in psychoanalysis, the author is really studying the vicissitudes of the developing sense of identity. Meltzer
distinguishes three types of inner experiences involved in the sense of identity according to the mode identification that states: narcissistic, projective or introjective. The author points out the Freudian definition of 'consciousness as an organ of perception of psychic qualities' and shows that from his point of view, any part of the self can take control of this body of consciousness and, through its possession, temporarily maintain hegemony on behavior. The party or parties established organization like this will dominate the sense of identity. There is a profound and vital reference, from my understanding of his writings in relation to the link between consciousness and identity as a "center of gravity 'of the self.

The notion of self indicates the general direction of his own existence with greater success than the structural concepts of self, it, and superego. Winnicott's notions about the false and true self have much in common with the concept of sincerity Meltzer (preferred use of the word 'authenticity' in French translations).
incidentally This concept gives a total twist to the theory of the formation of symbols to achieve a vision of development based on the creativity of the combined object: the child will explore the outside world with the pattern of the parent bodies, finding new objects to mean that the internal model can give. This 'seeing as' no enviste both the external world with meaning at first, but gathers and gathers in the parental objects with new forms, and therefore with new meanings, to enrich the concept and reality of the combined. From this rich source of meaning can be, secondarily, to return to external objects. (P. 245)
This has the consequence that the meaning of a dream is revealed by its symbolic translation, whereas sleep should be thought of in a metaphorical and poetic language, because the richness and vitality of but that image can not be impoverished by the abstract prose translation ... rediscovers the dream image that amnesia child has so deeply repressed, 'the Infantile wonder, the Aesthetic sense, the hunger of the mind'.

The concepts of object and aesthetic conflict appear so clear: 'I am inclined to think, "Meltzer concludes,' that the language of dreams is perhaps the lingua franca of the key emotions and aesthetics." However, this progress of thought is possible only after the different perspectives of psychological distress that were open to contributions from about autism. However
novel conceptions in 'Sincerity' about self development and evolution internal objects are, in any way, leaving out the reality of the object and the subject's interactions with their environment as they occurred historically and were consigned to memory. Today we know from the work of development theorists such as Daniel Stern (The Interpersonal World of the Infant) that the baby has many more capabilities than what could have imagined before - in particular, it makes a very good assessment of reality perceives and internalizes consequently according to their experience, this is really a process of 'learning by experience. " Currently the site of the fantasy can not be valued solely in terms of instinctual (life instinct and death), but interaction is more or less evenly between the subject and its environment (for example, according to the degree and quality of 'attunement' described by Stern, or 'the beauty of the meeting', described by Bégoin 'between the cathexis of the baby and the mother, properly combined with that of the father').
The underlying symbolic process thinking, develop freely only when these exchanges are sufficiently harmonics, and the capacity for independent thought depends on this freedom. In his absence, the growth potential psychic gets caught in the 'claustrum' projective identifications pathological.

Meltzer used the three works of Pinter to prove in a way just as alive as if it were his clinical sessions. The Dwarfs illustrates the struggle between narcissism and object relations, showing how in the analytical process, the structures children are released one after the other parts of the domination of destructive when they are able to establish a sufficiently strong alliance with the good objects ( which corresponds to the definition of the depressive position). This work is both the smallest and the key to the other two. For him, The Birthday Party is a comprehensive illustration of the regressive processes that culminate in the way mental illness delirium; like this at birth, but a negative birth, which is connected with envy as described by Klein and is taken up by Bion in his concept of negativity, which would later be described by Meltzer in entirely different terms, after studying anxieties related to the annihilation of the sense of existing in infantile autism and following the match with the idea of \u200b\u200badhesive identification of Esther Bick. The eighteenth chapter of the book covers to read about adhesive identification made by Meltzer in 1974, where he makes a very interesting review of the history of the concept of identification in Freud and his own research, done in parallel to that of Esther Bick. The work of autism can be regarded as the turning-point in the work of Meltzer after Extended Metapsychology: Clinical Applications of Bion's ideas (1986), and laid the groundwork for his latest and most revolutionary period, dedicated to the discovery and description of the object and aesthetic conflict (The apprehension of beauty: The role of aesthetic conflict in development, art and violence, 1988), which speaks of the problem of love and destruction in completely new terms.
Taking into account the work of Frances Tustin, negativity is now more like a desperate reaction catastrophic result of the intensity feelings of depression (the type of primary depression). As a result, the subject is fundamentally unable to bind with sufficient strength and security to the world of good objects because the world is felt to be totally inaccessible (as described by Milan Kundera in Life is Elsewhere).
In contrast, Meltzer believes The Homecomming as a wonderful illustration of the developments described in the analytical process on the threshold of the depressive position. The author shows how the integration of self and objects characteristic of the work of the depressive position is reflected in the development of a work in progress towards a more 'sincerity'. Meltzer says he is shocked to find how Pinter's work is directed towards an analytical interpretation.
For this reason appears to fully justify this study about the sincerity, as representative of the originality and fertility Meltzer was chosen as the title for this collection of texts. These articles include important comments on the contributions of other analysts, is one on the concept of 'misconception' of Money-Kyrle, which is illustrated with a clinical staff, there is another on 'The diameter of the circle' of Bion and the collaboration of Meg Harris Williams of the famous trilogy Memories the Future.
In the first, Meltzer describe its pattern of thought to the 'military' by Bion who had the opportunity to learn in the seminars given in the last year of life. The three texts in the three volumes of memoirs of the future can be very useful in understanding the final stage, enigmatic work of Bion. They are a useful addition to reading the third volume of Kleinian Development (1978).
One text, "The psychoanalytic process, 20 years later (1986) is particularly interesting because it shows the major changes that occurred in his practice as a consequence, or perhaps source, their theoretical position changes. After 35 years of teaching experience and concludes that the fundamental nature of the practice and process of analysis has not changed, and receives only a change of emphasis. The precision in understanding, and therefore the interpretation is no longer a crucial factor to bring the evolution of the transfer under the 'accuracy'. This is just one of the quantitative factors in development economics. The economy depends on the modulation and change of psychological distress, which is different for Meltzer of anxiety.
's description had been 20 years before of the analytic situation now seems much more limited and rigid in their current practice. For example, now he prefers to begin the analytic work gradually, with only two or three sessions a week, until the need for more sessions to be recognized by both parties, patient and analyst. You also agree to make changes in hours of meetings, unless it has an adverse analytical work. It emphasizes the idea that all analysis is a test analysis. Also supports the idea that the analyst 'deserves' the love interest and even that is subject to the patient.
Meltzer had already worked the problem of impasse on the threshold of the depressive position. In one of the papers compiled in this book, '68 years speaks of the impasse is based on the denial of a qualitative distinction between child and adult, and is manifested in a demand for mutual idealization between patient and analyst, with certain specific differences between male and female patients (p.157).
This seems to be based on a very basic level of feeling to exist for some patients, for whom the threat of annihilation anxieties awakened termination catastrophic in severity and there may emerge only at this time.

This can be Freud discussed the problem from several points of view in 'Analysis terminable and interminable'. Freud connects the last resistance to what he called the biological bedrock (penis envy in women and the rejection of the passive position in humans) in other words, the 'repudiation of femininity' in both cases. In each case, we can say that the resistance prevents the integration of sexual identity. It can be said that what Freud identified as the "repudiation of femininity 'is in fact based on the horror and terror of depression, whereas depressive emotions in both sexes seem to be contained in that part of the character identified as female. This leads to a different conception of the action and the nature of the destructive impulses in the psyche. Instead of associating violence with the nature of the drive, there is a violence that betrayed the existence of a core of despair in the heart of the self: a fundamental desperation of not being able to develop, not to achieve development.

most significant in my personal experience is directly linked to the chapter about the sincerity that gives its name to the collection. I think that would require a study seminar for just that text. It presents a phenomenological conception of sincerity and its links with different emotional and mental states. Meltzer

proposed as central thesis that the process of giving meaning to emotional experiences is associated only slightly with two aspects of personality structure: first, splitting processes in self and other, objects to the integration of internal.
a reflexion ago to call attention to the problems of openness between patient and analyst, the central problem in human bonds.

One of the most profound virtues of the analytic situation lies in exploring the unique opportunity offered by the language of emotionality.
The convergence between the material of the dream, the direct emotional experience in the transfer and collection process and reconstruction of past relationships, challenges to both patient and analyst, to find through word of vehicles that can adequately promote the experience to understand and be understood.

In Meltzer's experience, the word "sincerity" has appeared as a single value term, and highlights dominate on alternatives such as honesty, truthfulness, integrity, honesty, openness, etc. Other scientific considerations or a more historical vein were also considered to account for a relatively unexplored aspect of intimacy in human relationships and communication, they need a new term to try to define what unexplored. 'Honesty', for example, has a history of using moralizing. 'Truth' has been used in different ways in different philosophical writings. 'Integrity' means a tone too characterological. 'Openness' seems to imply an aggressive side of criticism. 'Open' has no reference to the emotional.

The premise is that mental acts necessarily involve concepts, concepts that involve judgments. Concepts, and judgments about them, relate to modes of perception and various symbolic forms in which unconscious fantasy shapes the essential emotional processes.
is based on our ability to give a intensionality our concepts, feelings or thoughts, which is experienced as gradients of sincerity in our consciousness of ourselves. This aspect of mental state can only be properly sensed by introjective identification and produces changes in the emotionality of confidence. Meltzer
distinguishes narcissistic modes of identification as "variations in the emotion of distrust."

is essential to ask the question: to what extent the disease involves a failure in the sincerity?

seeks to establish a connection between the ability to tell the truth, identity and sense of identity as a component of meaning that he would attribute to the word sincerity.

Psychoanalysis seems to have outlined three different types of inner experiences that carry a sense of identity. The first of these is in the individual field of infantile aspects of the narcissistic personality organization (as opposed to states of integration). The second refers to forms of narcissistic identification, of which have only been studied forms of projective identification. And finally, the introjective identification process in which adults appear aspects of personality and differentiates itself from the infantile aspects of its structure.

The mind develops through the dimension of time, and none of their experiences is lost. The model archaeological stratification is not a successful model because it involves the loss of vitality of those structures, which due to their immaturity, are being buried by more sophisticated ones, which are superimposed.
These have not lost their vitality, and its capacity for action, as illustrated on one side with the phenomenon of sleep and the other with most of the regressions. What actually happens is a function of splitting and integration in the context of internalization, where relatively defined periods of development of the self is gradually detached from each other through the grieving process one hand and repression on the other, disassociating external objects for internal objects, conduct transactions transactions dream life.

qualitative aspects of sincerity, linked to components constructing the meaning or sense of identity tied to children's structures reflected in the experience of what we experience as 'Deep' versus 'surface' in the mental states of others, and connect with what is known technically as recognition or denial of psychic reality. Denial is basically denying the existence of structures and children's internal objects which are so tightly bound.

elements experience a sense of identity developed through introjective identification processes (and from identification with internal objects that make up the ego ideal) that lies in the emotions of the depressive position, especially the gratitude and desire to be valued, have a tone of aspiration which is very different from feeling self-generated immediately and delusional projective identification. Lack of certainty, humility, openness to questioning are aspects of the personality of people we are admired for their ability to be sincere.

We take identity as a category ideal (due to great difficulty for a causal definition) considered the sum total of experience for which the current sense of identity can claim as an asymptote. As that trend is going in a straight line indefinitely approaching a curve, the identity, but never find it definitely.

This link between memory and sense of identity is the central key to an intuitive view about the quality of sincerity as an aspect of character, even objects. If after a while we found that a person renounces a facet of personality that had previously shown, does not remember saying "that" or deny having seen "such and such", or have altered the response of his account yesterday-today are forms of trade that hurt our confidence and can also lead to distrust.

This is perhaps important to remember that trust is closely related to love and dependence on children's levels, and internally, with predictability in adult relationships and therefore provides what determines our confidence.

Intestinal Pain More Condition_symptoms

Psychotic Core

M. The Psychotic Core Eigen

Some Main Ideas

* Understanding the psychodynamics of madness is essential in therapy for most patients no matter what your specific condition. Diagnosed as psychotic patients actually represent a very small portion of the general population. But now, states and psychotic attitudes may appear in a wide range of emotional states. Borderline and narcissistic personalities are two examples of self disorders that require the analyst's attention to the dimension "crazy" life.

* This text takes ideas of Freud, Jung, Searles, Laing, of Object Relations (especially Winnicott, Bion and Ekin), and the psychology of the self. Its aim is to describe and critique the basic ideas in relation to their understanding of psychosis. The fundamental insight that madness makes the existence of man, can not be ruled out. A study of this kind inevitably becomes an exploration of self.

* The description of Freud on narcissism was inspired by psychotic states. Religious thinkers have traditionally been associated with the grandeur of madness and evil, but Freud studied the phenomenon of self inflation with incredible precision. The investigation of a heinous and intolerable sensitivity to slight and fragility, vulnerability and tenacity of narcissistic characters gives much light on psychotic states and vice versa.
In a very important measure, the quality of therapeutic work with narcissism depends on the vision and understanding we have of psychosis.

Analyst with later work as Kohut and Winnicott, emphasized that the grandeur and idealization were a normal part of development at different times; But what kind of beings arise and build wounds infinite power, What kind of being is overestimated and is constantly devalued as part of his eternal drama?

* Winnicott sums up the depth of what is at stake with the idea that neurosis is often a mask of psychosis.
One can have an analytic experience apparently with good results, the patient can function and feel better in several areas and have a more successful life, and yet often beneath all these gains, there remains a persistent and sharp feeling that something is wrong, and be haunted by the feeling that life is a sham. For Winnicott, the madness is associated with a sense of falseness of their existence. In some cases, the possibility of being alive can depend on the ability to cope with psychotic anxieties.

* The work of Bion, like Winnicott, focuses on the sense of catastrophe that holds the psychotic experience. The way in which one is linked with that which is beyond the limits of self, can make the difference between health and insanity.
* The common practice barriers against the destructive effects of self - expression, rise. The individual and his madness may overwhelm or alarmed to find that the communication-and communication in its most subtle, it is possible. One can speak of the lie they live. One can glimpse the terrifying depths of the self - deception and failure to cure. And yet, one can be improved, one can become more capable, more rich, more tolerant. One finds a way to move toward the center itself. One finds a way to move beyond yourself.

* This book is a burnt anger, self - poisoning insidious, horrible vacuum, misuse of wit, sharp inability to keep up with their own heightened awareness, the self-giving spirits and objects, a crippling shyness, an infernal torment, the overall sense of catastrophe, loss and rebirth of the self in fantasy scenarios in their wealth and their poverty found in the psychotic experience .

* The meaning of the book is to help us relax our eyes. The scary has its own beauty, their own ecstasy and should not enter into the ways of the mind as if it were not there. Its value lies in helping us to fear a little less what dwells within ourselves, in a non-destructive, but achieves enrich the quality of our ability to have experiences.

* the idea is debated whether or not a psychotic seed in every human being, the fact is that psychosis is one of the phenomena of human life that lead us to limit what we can experience. Changes and freezes the preconceived notions of what is possible. In psychosis which usually take it as material, is treated as immaterial, and vice versa. Psychosis is that we find the hard moments, and at the same time, the greatest fluctuation of symptoms. It is as if the mind, in a very short period, became a movie in fast motion, going at full speed through thousands of mental sequences, unable to choose and keep a to achieve distinction ... maybe, if you try them all, can finally choose any combination in which to live, or be able to breathe forever in unlimited freedom. The person in psychosis feel desperately trapped. The dualities that make up human experience are separate and exaggerated. At certain moments it seems that your mind dissolves, and looking wildly anything I can find, can not leave anything out of the relentless pursuit of who knows who. Can not rest until I see it. And that all dissolves and starts again without any opportunity to build on experience. One lives to himself as a kaleidoscope does not evolve.

* According to Freud, every aspect of development contributes to the way the individual organizes the meaning and is affected by this sense, while his work was developing his vision of narcissism, wrote that psychosis may be the key to understanding the ego. Developed the idea of \u200b\u200bprimary narcissism as a framework to put the two main characteristics of psychosis, megalomania and "detachment" from the outside world (like loss of boundaries). Freud's self inflation associated with idolatry, figurative image of the enormous capacity of the ego to lose himself in objects. In different forms of identification, the ego can be like his subject, "is itself deposited the object, or placing the object within itself. Plotted ways in which the ego and the object could "symbolism of, and how this forms the basis for a mystical experience or ocean. Wrote about hypnosis, love, the army and the church as a vehicle for a kind of dependency that obliterates the boundaries of self.
The fundamental link between megalomania and dependency is an issue that will take many hours of analysis.

* Talk of six major components of psychosis, or six basic ways in which the psychotic process organizes the basic materials of personality: hallucinations, dementalisation, the question of borders or boundaries, hatred, epistemology and processing to the contrary.

* Hallucinations: In a sense, the ability to hallucinate is universal, the ability to produce a hallucinatory state seems to be part of our ability to produce pictures and words. And there are some universal trends in construction: the ability hallucinatory seems to oscillate between the divine and the demonic (Apollo - Dionysus) contains erotic obsessions concerning fecal or it is divided between the extremes of absolute power and absolute helplessness have the tendency to make demands and give orders. The hallucination points to the immediate gratification, not the thought. The problem of mental pain is fundamental: the meaning is imagined pleasure, wherever there is pain.

* dementalisation: Among our earliest defenses is the ability to stay on target or even fall into a stupor. The mind is numb themselves against the emotional pain. The mind responds to pain, if necessary, through emptied of itself. The mind can try to get rid of itself it to get rid of the pain that is causing it.

* Borders: The Case of psychosis reach of their own boundaries of self and where there others is of utmost importance. In everyday life, a certain lack of distinction of the boundaries between self and others is to some extent understood. Makes communication possible. In the case of psychosis, natural tissue between the self and others can become a terrifying experience to dissolve or invasion.

* Hate: Freud wrote about how the self is torn apart when their hatred is contained and diverted. The agent described and traumatic experiences in terms of aggression beyond words, as "stab the heart." Klein found that the organization psychotic hatred took a decisive, It also plays a role in organizing the infant's response to pain.

* Epistemology: If psychology studies mental processes, the epistemology investigates these processes say about the nature of truth or reality. Perhaps nowhere else's idea of \u200b\u200bhow it constructs the reality is more relevant than psychosis.

* Reversal: Transformation to the contrary: Freud suggested that this defense was so basic that seems to precede the development of traditional defenses. A further development of these defenses are more able to change the direction of the pulse and change their valence. In the psychosis this capability becomes spiral and hardens. It becomes a permanent mental condition which transforms the whole experience in what is not.