Monday, March 14, 2011

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Happy Birthday twitter

Twitter arrives this week to 5 years after the creation and celebrates it with 140 million tweets per day and 460,000 new accounts created every 24 hours. And that growth has been exponential since Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone gave life to the popular social network in 2006.

Dorsey, president of the board of directors of the Californian firm, Twitter was on Sunday in the genesis of the company: "Five years ago we started doing the programming of Twitter. Eight days after we sent the first tweet

"I'm installing my twttr" Dorsey announced on March 21, 2006.

Since then, Twitter did not stop growing. Today it claims over 200 million users, far less than Facebook (500 million), but twice as MySpace, the social networking pioneer.

For more than five months, Dick Costolo administrator is responsible for Twitter. The three co-founders who today have more distant relationships, roles fulfilled only strategist, inspirational or advisors.

Then the moments that have marked twitter since its inception:

First message: "I am installing my twttr." Signed by "Jack" is the current chairman of the board of directors Jack Dorsey. March 21, 2006.

In 2010, broadcast Twitter messages and 25,000 million won more than 100 million new users.

singer Lady Gaga (@ ladygaga) is the Internet users whose messages are followed by more people, by adding 8.78 million subscribers to their tweets. We follow the teen singer Justin Bieber (@ justinbieber, 8.13 million followers), pop singer Britney Spears (@ britneyspears, 7.12 million) and Barack Obama (@ barackobama, 6.97 million).

The troubled actor Charlie Sheen (@ charliesheen), which has just been fired from the television series that stars Two and a Half Men, was he soon gained a following. Within 24 hours, between 1 and 2 March, their tweets were paid a million people.

The keyword symbol (#), which allows to find all posts on a theme, was released in August 2007 following the proposal of a surfer.

Since October 2009, the search engines Google and Bing (Microsoft) integrate Twitter messages into the results.

Twitter has over 370 employees and hire new staff almost every week. It is based in San Francisco (California, West), with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Washington.

statutes deposited Co-founders of the firm in April 2007. They Biz Stone (@ biz), Evan Williams (@ ev) and Jack Dorsey (jack @).
With information from AFP


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