Thursday, February 3, 2011

Piano Notes Sweet Dreams Piano



The World Wetlands Day is celebrated every year on 2 February. This day commemorates the date in which was signed in 1971, the "Convention Wetlands in the Iranian city of Ramsar, so this February 2 was held the 40 th Anniversary.

addition, in February 2011, marks 10 years of work in this natural area from the Interpretation Centre Txingudi Ekoetxea.

organized activities program from the Marshes of Txingudi:

Day Feb. 1, Tuesday. Opening of the exhibition "Biodiversity is life, is our life": the exhibition will be open throughout the month of February in
Showroom Ekoetxea Txingudi.

Day February 2, Wednesday. Signature Cooperation Framework Agreement Border between the Basque Government and Basque Littoral CPIE.

Publication of "Phrase Txingudi herbaceous flora"
No. 2 Txingudi Phrase Library.

Day February 5, Saturday.
10:00 am Maintenance of gravel and small
plover habitat (species listed as vulnerable in the CVEA).
volunteer activity. Pre-registration is required. 10:00 h

craft workshop (dragonfly mask) and more for young
Txingudi Ekoetxea.

11:30 am Lunch at Txingudi Ekoetxea.

12:00 h Conference on "The Exe estuary: the reality of an estuary. "
Speaker: Hector Gonzalez (Naturalist).


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