Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hemroids Condition_symptoms


sincerely hoped, pray for all who enter on this page is necessary, because he who seeks, finds, have had reasons to know more of the topics treated in this my space, all who knows me knows, I was into drugs in the past, today enjoy the joy and glory of being removed, any product of a miracle from our Lord Jesus, He performed de manera muy especial en mi. Creanlo, jamas me abandono. Por ello Le doy gracias.

A pesar de que abordo el tema de la adiccion desde el punto de vista bio, psico, social y espiritual y no religioso, debo aclarar, que en mi interior soy Cristiano, Creo firmemente en Cristo, es por ello que le ruego y le imploro, cuidar por mis hermanos que todavia sufren el infierno de la esclavitud.

Amado que lees lo que escribo en este espacio, abre tu interior y has una profunda reflexion de lo que te ha llevado al lugar donde estas, realiza un inventario moral y espitual de todas tus actuaciones y entregaselas a tu poder superior, no importa cual In any case, remember that your problem part of your spiritual needs, not religious, filled that void there and see that everything will be rearranged forever.

If you need to share, just call or write me, this space will provide it, get it up for you, no matter the day or the hour, the weight of the load sharing is reduced immediately to do so. I'll help you out if you really want inside you, if I can, that reason can not be made in the work you too. Just try it.

conclude by expressing from deep inside me, the following:
God, grant me the
Serenity to accept the things I can not change ...
value to change things I can and
Wisdom for the difference ecognize


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