Friday, April 29, 2011

Brazilian Wax Looks Like

counseling program seeks its share of the pie of the tablets and ready

Based on decades of experience in engineering, Sony develops two tablets of attractive designs: S1 model that allows access all kinds of entertainment in an optimized way, and the S2 model, ideal for mobile entertainment and communication.

Sony Tablet, available in the global market early in the fourth quarter of 2011, is equipped with the latest version of Android 3.0, designed for devices with larger screens. Both tablets from Sony is compatible with Wi-Fi and WAN (3G/4G) and users can surf the Internet, check e-mails and easily access digital content including videos, games and books through premium web services for Sony and more, anytime, anywhere.

S1 model lets you enjoy all sorts of web content on a large screen of 9.4 inches. Design is stable and easy to grip, and generates a sense of stability and lightness, providing convenient usage by the hour.

S2 model has two 5.5-inch screens that can be folded for easy portability. Unlike the existing tablets, dual screen presentation and usability allow their screens are combined and used as a great or used for different functions.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Accession Of Utility Atv

More on the Frog Racer ...

Images that illustrate seen in the previous post.

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More on the Frog Racer ...

the topic Using an image that says worth a thousand words, we attach a short video in which we can see different phases or stages of the life cycle of this anuran (tadpole larvae with legs, tail resorption small toads, etc ...).

seems very rainy spring is accelerating the metamorphic process in the natterjack toad and has not yet been a month since we saw the first tadpoles.

Remember that from the start accumulating (a long string of jelly with a mean 2000 eggs), we must wait about a week to see the tadpoles and from here, one to two months to complete metamorphosis.

The images are taken in Plaiaundi and have been kindly donated by Coro Echezarreta.

A greeting.

Monday, April 25, 2011

How Much Does It Cost To Renew Driver's License

The panic attack and its relation to

What we describe below is the result of my own past experiences and the medical approach that I now on a topic of great interest in our young people immersed in active addiction. Believe it, do not know many doctors that tell these stories, much less accept their problems with them. It is a taboo to talk about it in our professional circles. As I have always said and will continue telling the rest of my days, the addiction is a disease with no cure, only treatment, not afraid in any way, publicly communicate the experiences of the past, with them I could help thousands addicts over several decades I've learned to appreciate my work more forcefully and love myself.

The attack of panic and fear of fear

If you agreed with what those discussed above, or see any relationship within the contect is suggested, may suffer from an anxiety disorder called "panic disorder." People who suffer from this disorder usually experience fear sudden and repetitive to some situations, you detonate certain drugs. This is called a "panic attack", which is accompanied by physical symptoms. Keep reading for you to find out what it is about panic disorder.

Antonio has a history of substance use and infarction (heart attack) in your family. Her grandmother and aunt have suffered strokes. He just turned 50 and feel you are in risk of getting heart failure. One day, he felt a little tightness in the chest and immediately went on their alarms, "What's wrong with me? Why do I feel this pressure? What if I go for a heart attack? I can not ignore this annoyance! ... I have fear, hurt me ... I'm gonna die! Take me to the hospital! "Indeed, his wife took her to the emergency room and found that there was not a heart attack, but rather of anxiety, it was a panic attack. Antonio felt the discomfort in the chest due to some air in your lungs.

Panic disorder is manifested by panic attacks, which are characterized by fear of some situation (sometimes or usually unfounded) or to be afraid of losing control. This feeling of fear is accompanied by intense physical response of the body, and indeed, as in the case of Antonio, you feel like you're having a heart attack. These attacks can occur at any time, and the person who wins has a constant fear that happening again.

may only have one or two attacks of panic in your life. But if you have suffered several attacks and always afraid to appear again, then you have panic disorder and the same, there is treatment.

symptoms of panic disorder may include the following:

sudden attacks of fear

frequent feeling of living in a situation that is not real

feel that everything is beyond your control and you

die extreme concern for fear that another panic attack occurs

Avoid going to places or face situations in which there has been a panic attack before

These feelings and behaviors are usually accompanied by physical manifestations or symptoms: sweating

Acceleration heartbeat

Weakness, dizziness or fainting

Pain Chills

chest Numbness (tingling) in the hands

Nausea and / or stomach pain

Shortness of breath Tremors

not know for sure what causes panic disorder, but studies suggest that may be related to several factors including, other family history, brain abnormalities, abuse of substances (drugs and alcohol) and stress in daily life.

If you suspect you or someone you know suffers from panic disorder, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Panic attacks are difficult to handle and may even worsen in frequency and intensity if not treated. An assessment by the specialist is essential, as panic disorder symptoms that may mimic other illnesses.

Once the diagnosis the doctor may recommend psychological therapy and / or Medications panic disorder can be very effective.

Antonio decided to seek medical attention and now feels much better. Do not hesitate to do the same! Do not wait for the fear of fear immobilize you and affect your life

Friday, April 22, 2011

Darmowy Hosting Serwer

drug addictions are not always the psychoactive substances, drugs

How to protect youth and adolescents of addiction to new technologies?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that one in four people suffer from behavioral problems associated with new addictions.

can talk about addiction in all cases in which the fans interfere with daily life, or when practice this hobby for fun no evil instead of for fun.

Among the warning signs that may indicate an addiction include: ●

loss of study time, with or without poor academic performance.

● Impairment or lesser commitment to interpersonal relationships and leisure activities.

● Increase in conduct involving aggression. ●

have anxiety, irritability, physical discomfort even if you can not use the object of addiction.

Adopting attitudes prevention is very important, but if you suspect that there might be an addiction, seek professional assistance specialist.

Internet Addiction

There is no doubt that the Internet is a breakthrough, which can be of assistance to academic and social level, the problem arises when their use is uncontrolled.

To prevent this misuse in young people, it is important the role of parents when the limits and allow the use of this technology for a preset time and for the intended purpose at all times.

It's easy to start the session on the Internet to find information for work and end, several hours later, without this information, but with a different one that is fit for the intended purpose and having gone through a chat or messenger.

is important at this point to talk about the potential dangers of the Internet, primarily for children.

chats or emails used to build distance friendships, flirting with a girl or boy alleged, etc., But the problem with this type of courtship is the disillusion and deception of which can be a victim . To this end, it is important to inform children and adolescents, when talking with someone in a chat, not to give personal information that can be identified, as, for example, a 12-year course may actually be someone of 50 with different intentions with which it is expressed.

Any finding of suspicious situations, you can send a message explaining what happens to the police, who even has an address for such purpose (delitos.tecnologicos @

game addiction Video games are not only fun, but stimulate hand-eye coordination, deductive reasoning, are good for short term memory and long term, improve abstract reasoning and as attention and self control.

Again, the problem arises when misused in time, dedication or inappropriate content to the user's age.

is important to stick to the rules of use appearing in video games and computer games. These rules are established by the Paneuropean Game Information (PEGI), following the standards of various European countries.

are five age categories: 3 +, 7 +, 12 +, 16 +, 18 +, and seven different descriptions of content, profanity, discrimination, drugs, sex or nudity, gambling, terror and violence .

Given this classification, we can easily know the suitability of the game to the user profile. It is also important to follow these recommendations for the proper use of video games:

● Default
playing time and not exceed it. Review periodically the time spent on each game.

● Plan your study time and leisure time, and within the latter, the time to be devoted to computer games.

● Rest 15 minutes every hour, so that there is no eyestrain.

● Use
games age-appropriate user.

● Do not use if you are very tired and immediately stop or reduce the time spent on them in case of aggressive behaviors observed.

mobile phone addiction

Currently the age at which the first mobile phone becomes increasingly low, mainly because in this age group is mostly used to play music and send messages, and also because able to communicate with their children at any time is a comfort to parents.

As in other cases, no cause for alarm as long as they observe behaviors and abnormal reactions, being a good marker for the monthly consumption, which in some cases it's limited.

How can we protect young people and teenagers from addiction?

The best protection is to provide a clear and sufficient information about their benefits but also for the damages and risks involved.

Equally important is to control its use, establishing the limits indicated above, and doing so sharp until the young will reach maturity and be able to self-impose these limits naturally.

Finally, we note the importance of effective use of leisure and free time. It should make an effort to maximize leisure, planning different activities given that it is highly recommended to spend some time doing nothing and just relax.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hemroids Condition_symptoms


sincerely hoped, pray for all who enter on this page is necessary, because he who seeks, finds, have had reasons to know more of the topics treated in this my space, all who knows me knows, I was into drugs in the past, today enjoy the joy and glory of being removed, any product of a miracle from our Lord Jesus, He performed de manera muy especial en mi. Creanlo, jamas me abandono. Por ello Le doy gracias.

A pesar de que abordo el tema de la adiccion desde el punto de vista bio, psico, social y espiritual y no religioso, debo aclarar, que en mi interior soy Cristiano, Creo firmemente en Cristo, es por ello que le ruego y le imploro, cuidar por mis hermanos que todavia sufren el infierno de la esclavitud.

Amado que lees lo que escribo en este espacio, abre tu interior y has una profunda reflexion de lo que te ha llevado al lugar donde estas, realiza un inventario moral y espitual de todas tus actuaciones y entregaselas a tu poder superior, no importa cual In any case, remember that your problem part of your spiritual needs, not religious, filled that void there and see that everything will be rearranged forever.

If you need to share, just call or write me, this space will provide it, get it up for you, no matter the day or the hour, the weight of the load sharing is reduced immediately to do so. I'll help you out if you really want inside you, if I can, that reason can not be made in the work you too. Just try it.

conclude by expressing from deep inside me, the following:
God, grant me the
Serenity to accept the things I can not change ...
value to change things I can and
Wisdom for the difference ecognize

Friday, April 15, 2011

Abdominal Aneurysm More Condition_symptoms

Nintendo Wii 2 (HD)

The Japanese company presented his new product at the upcoming E3 video game. This event will take place during the second week of June in Los Angeles.

This is clear from the information published by Game Informer magazine where they are said to "several sources close to" those who believe that the arrival of the new model could even ahead of the June event in Los Angeles.

The Wii2 would be an entirely new model, away from the current archetype of the Wii. Would have a superior technology to the Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 from Microsoft, as well as high definition would enjoy. The sources confirmed that there is a Nintendo gimmick "to attract attention" on their current product.

Meanwhile, IGN's online magazine from the company confirmed that Japan is showing you the hardware to different publishers, but they say it is for a release "that occurs later than in 2012."

Meanwhile, rumors against the new Wii model Nintendo on Thursday fell sharply in their actions, as well as a reduction in the prices of their current console.

Although already been updated several times, the current Wii is a model that was released in 2006 after having been delayed since its debut was originally scheduled for mid 2005.

However, this delay did not prevent the then brand new device represents a new concept in family entertainment and video game industry. The Wii1 was the first who proposed a method of play in which the user carries out actions virtual movement through your body.

Game Informer
itself contacted Nintendo for an official version, but the company simply said "that the company not to comment on rumors or speculation." Let's wait.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Travel Trailer Porches

Maracaibo, fourth largest city with more twitterers in Latin America

Monday, April 11, 2011

Pichers Of Chickenpox

Maracaibo enters list trending topic on Twitter

The capital of Zulia state links with Caracas, Valencia and Barquisimeto and new criteria for trending topics (current issues) which uses the popular social network to prioritize what they talk about their users in Venezuela.

Venezuela in November 2010 joined the list along with Argentina and Spain. Other Latin countries that are monitored are Chile, Colombia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru.

Venezuela is the third country in the world twitter penetration with 21%.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

South Park Fish Stick Plot

Samsung and Movistar reveal the Galaxy TAB 7 "

Samsung Electronics and its ally Movistar presented to the Venezuelan market two devices developed on the Android operating system Froyo (2.2): the TAB Galaxy 7 "Samsung mobile equipment Galaxy S .

TAB's expected Galaxy 7 "offers the ability to make video conference calls, thus differentiating their closest competitors.

also has a large number of applications to give users an extraordinary experience, including providing: a store of applications, tools work and entertainment such as books, newspapers and magazines, digital camera and integration with social networks Social Hub, being the most portable tablet device market.

As for the Samsung mobile team Galaxy S, has an amazing resolution with a large display of 4 "SUPER AMOLED and Froyo Android OS (2.2). Thus, Venezuela's Samsung Electronics leading the segment of smartphones (smartphones) and the new segment that started the world of the tablets in our country.

internet surfing If left untreated, these devices connection offer third generation (3G) together with Flash support, which translates into a whole web experience. Additionally, have the use of technologies such as Bluetoooth and WiFi, and also have Micro SD memory slot and can be extended to additional 32GB internal memory of each device.

"Samsung recognizes the tremendous growth potential in this new market and we believe that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" brings a unique and user open to Venezuela. There is a new and emerging consumer demand that Samsung can meet, because the phone is in our DNA. This demand continues to grow and develop, while users exploit their unlimited potential, "said Luis Cobo, vice president, Samsung Mobile Communications of Venezuela." This is just the beginning of our innovations in smart devices, "he adds.

"Movistar in Venezuela continues to innovate, because they understand where future technology trends and consumer needs. So, today launched the highly anticipated Samsung Galaxy 7-tablet as it did in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Ecuador, along with the Galaxy S, devices that provide the solid network connection that offers 3.5G Movistar in national territory, "says Douglas Ochoa, Vice President of Communications Corporate Telefónica Venezuela.

Both devices are available on Movistar Service Centers: "The tablet is available in Galaxy 7 postpaid for Bs 3990, joining the service for 18 months Galaxy data that includes 4.5 GB 100 minutes of voice over Bs 189. Postpaid customers who want to join for 12 months referred Galaxy data service, can purchase the tablet for Bs 4,490. In prepaid users can get by Bs.F 4990, activating the data service Galaxy of 4.5 GB with 100 voice minutes and 259 Bs, "said Luis Delgado, General Manager Mobile Phone Business Venezuela.

While for Movistar postpaid customers the price of Samsung mobile equipment is Bs.F Galaxy S 3599 by joining the plan "in contact with all 300" to End Data Service 500 MB for 18 months; and if they join the plan "in contact with all 300" to End Data Service 500 MB for 12 months, the price is 4,199 Bs. In commercial offer prepaid Movistar is 4,899 Bs to the plan "in contact with all 120" which includes the End Data Service 500 MB.

With HSUPA 3G connectivity, Wi-Fi 802.11n and Bluetooth 3.0, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 "improved mobile communications consumer. Based on a Cortex A8 processor 1.0GHz applications, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 is designed to offer perfect performance at any time and wherever the user is. At the same time, a large display with support for multi codec (DivX, XviD, MPEG4, H.263, H.264 and more) maximizes the joy of multimedia entertainment. It offers a perfect portability with its slim design and dimensions that make it easy to carry.

applications of Tab GALAXY 7 "

Android operating system offers endless possibilities users, who can customize their devices according to their requirements. Android to experience a new world of functionality. The Samsung Galaxy Tab have access to Android Market, the Android app store that allows users to download applications and bring the team to what they want, including 200 000 free applications has the following content categories : Entertainment, Games, Business, Education, Music, News, Medical, Books, Sports and more.

Among the main features of the Samsung Galaxy Tab include:

• Readers Hub - Readers Samsung Hub consolidates e-reading applications such as electronic books, magazines and newspapers. Users can enjoy "reading" with a unified user experience and intuitive - they navigate through "My Library", "Shopping" and "Read". More than 2 million books in 25 languages, over 1,600 newspapers in 42 languages \u200b\u200band more than 3,000 journals in 20 languages \u200b\u200bavailable.

Social Hub - Keeping always connected users, integrated phonebook of Samsung combines personal contact, email, all the top social networking service (SNS), accounts, instant messaging services and calendar data easy to use platform. Users can naturally review the status of the SNS and quickly choose the most important channel of communication, whether email, SMS, instant messaging and even voice calls.

Google Mobile Services - Services such as: Google search, digital maps, location and messaging services can be found in this excellent device, providing a communication experience to its users.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Vascular Diseases More Condition_symptoms

top of toad

The increase in temperature and daylight hours, along with rainfall spring who have flooded large areas of Plaiaundi represents the optimal time of the annual cycle for playing the natterjack toad (Bufo calamita ). So, these days it is possible to observe and put tadpoles in shallow pools of the park, roadsides. On the evening of rainy days and warm, it a show to hear the chorus of croaking males at concentrations that occur at the points of reproduction.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Bloody Stool More Condition_symptoms


"A thread of tenderness that flies across the ocean" was tinged with literature, friendship and affection. Feeling that things are not only looks and perceptions, but details that break and make us closer distances. Two beautiful books arrived from Spain. And taste.
Virgi Amiga, thanks for the gifts and gifted happiness.