Thursday, June 3, 2010

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The first phase "I do not believe God, but I miss you "is enough to embark on the narrative of Julian Barnes. More than a novel, English literature reads a string of writers, musicians, poets, who have never left alone.
death as the main theme from beginning to end round and clothes on: Flaubert, Montaigne, Stendhal, Zola, Jules Renard, Marietta Shaginyan, Somerset Maugham, Shostakovich, always tinged with a gesture laughable, joking and dildo in the eyes of a philosopher brother, who doubt the memory of dreams.
Barnes, London recreated in a family identity polished childhood memories, young and old from his father, mother, grandparents and brother higher. Children play at being teenagers, young people playing the old, and playing old forgotten memory.
Flaubert's admiration moved overwhelmed " People like us should profess the religion of despair. We must catch up one's own destiny, that is, impassive as he . "
querencia Jules Renard, hypnotize " facing death is when we read more books "
Stop one other time in each landfill concept, requires the reader to immerse themselves in understanding and genius of Julian Barnes.
underlined phrases from start to finish, " Identity is memory and memory is identity " have to repeat them in silence, never to forget that Montaigne did not die as he wished : planting his plot of cabbages, death came to him taking the Host in his bedroom or Flaubert always evoked a fear of death with improper, while Hegel on his deathbed said: " Only one man has me understood "and added:" and I realized "
and suffering and dying of old age presents a memory stripped ready to rest. The exercise of comparative memories together a death that never sleeps, always working three shifts gladly consecutive eight hours, emphasized interesting moments of many pages. The well-polished Barnes intelligence dazzles his readers.

Some beads of her rosary: \u200b\u200b

" People only believe in religion because they are afraid of death "
" Remorse is the worst emotion you can bring life "
" We talked about our memories but maybe we should talk about our forgetting even a feat more difficult, or logically impossible "
" I remember my astonishment, the child of an anthropologist among the cannibals "
" The more solid foundation of religion is the contempt for life "
" The fear of death may be the most intense emotion there. Sometimes I think there is a deeper feeling. If people start to think about before committing fewer errors stupid death" : Shostakovich.
" Music is our best way to digest the time" : Travinsky.
" The irony does not dry the grass, just burn the weeds. Death is not an artist. The word is truer, more accurate, more meaningful is the word " nothing " "Renard.
" Religion tends to authoritarianism and capitalism tends toward monopoly" : Robespierre.
" The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but to stop loving " Maugham
" Everything has to be learned from reading to death " : Flaubert
Now we say again, slowly, stressing:" There is nothing to fear "


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