José begins to dream
Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)
Vayeshev (Genesis 37-40)
We Must Carefully meditate and introspect very
to discover the Motivations That drive us.
to discover the Motivations That drive us.
We begin in this section a narrative, extensive and complex that stretches over three sections - Vayeshev, Miketz and Vayigash - (the three previous to the last parsha that closes the first of five books: Genesis) amazing story, about intimacy Joseph, where each step we encounter a split in the story, a face, - full in thought, the other - of hidden motives. Human activity, driven by motives known and the least known of the mind that guides the first, put in situations that represent the outside world step by step, the evolution of what is debated out. Apparently men are sorted and sent, apparently, walking according to their interests, stumble, fall, rise, climb the heights only to fall again and again to get up and go, but it is clear that more is at stake, which involved other orders, other interests, other obstacles, lowers and rises again the fallen to success.
James (Jacob), a series of performances, has left much to think about your ability to paternaje. Father of 12 children born to two wives and two concubines, clearly favors one of them, Joseph, and exposes the jealous hatred of other brothers. Not only that, the day worse things that happens to send him to Shehem, a northern city that is several days away, to "keep an eye" to his brothers who are pastors, to see what they're doing. Instruction is given but not before having given her a gorgeous coat of many colors that he sewed into their own hands. Forgiveness: Does being given a privileged place, or being exposed to grave danger? Or is it the same?
It gets worse. This gift is "history" of a pair of enigmatic events that make their way to act. Joseph dreams, and starts talking about their dreams. Dream twice. It is well to think that dreams can be a response to the gift (place) that the father is giving to the rest of the brothers. It may be included also, without doubt, his own desire.
How do we know about the meaning of a particular dream? The Talmud says that "... Their dreams interpretation follow." The Way They Are Interpreted, so Are They Fulfilled. "
The first dream:
José calls all his brothers who hated him more then ever before and he tells his dream:" We were binding sheaves (of wheat) in the middle of the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and remained standing, while bunches of you are inclined in a circle around me. "
The brothers hating both his dreams and his words. Yet another dream had also told his brothers:
The second dream:
"I had another dream. Behold the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing before me. "
The desire to rule over his brothers was a source of great envy for them. The most understandable, considering it is one which is the place we all want. They did not see anything prophetic about these dreams. Saw them as an expression of what was going on in the mind of Joseph (and the father?). The monks considered legitimate analysis, but according to the Talmud the source of this belief was jealousy. We tend not to be aware of what our real motivations. And it is a duty to make an effort of introspection to check clearly the motivations that move us.
Why? Because it is from them that give meaning to what we see, and from them that by interpreting dreams and events, we direct the course of things.
the end of these stories, no doubt see that Joseph is the most relevant and unique, but that does not seem to justify the idea that they had some sense prophetic dreams. But it seems we might think that their dreams are the expression not of a mysterious and metaphysical experience of the future, but, reflecting a current situation perfectly: the unconscious desire to inherit the father's son loved his wife more than a privileged place. The child's desire to occupy a place above the others. Interpretation The brothers are the dream also responds to your current experience of jealousy and envy for a place that everyone wants, in fact, have. And clearly we see how the reading is done in a situation that can mean many different things, determines to some extent the upcoming events accordingly.
But again, there is no magic question.
is that the interpretation we give to something, "a dream, an experience, and talk about what we are doing this in front of it.
Sabina Alazraki
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
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